Riccardo Baratella (baratella-r)
Menzionato/a in queste pagine del portale
Articles of Dialectica, The Paradox of the Arche-Fossil, Certainty and Assertion, Reliable Knowledge, Are there Occurrent Continuants?, Robinson's Regress Argument from Vagueness to Dualism, How to Test the Ship of Theseus, Mereology is not a Guide to (In)conceivability, Review of Willaschek (2018), Review of Esfeld / Deckert (2018), Review of MacBride (2018)Contributi a Philosophie.ch
Baratella, Riccardo. 2020. “Are there Occurrent Continuants? A Reply to Stout’s ‘The Category of Occurrent Continuants’ [to Stout (2016)].” Dialectica 74(3), doi:10.48106/dial.v74.i3.04.
Further References
Betti, Arianna. 2015. Against Facts. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262029216.001.0001.
Stout, Rowland. 2016. “The Category of Occurrent Continuants.” Mind 125(497): 41–62, doi:10.1093/mind/fzv138.