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David James Barnett (barnett-da)

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    Barnett, David James. 2000. Vagueness-Related Attitudes [on Schiffer (2000)].” in Philosophical Issues 10: Skepticism, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 302–320. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Barnett, David James. 2002. Against ‘A Posteriori’ Moral Naturalism.” Philosophical Studies 107(3): 239–257.
    Barnett, David James. 2004. Some Stuffs are Not Sums of Stuff.” The Philosophical Review 113(1): 89–100, doi:10.1215/00318108-113-1-89.
    Barnett, David James. 2006. Zif is If.” Mind 115(459): 519–?
    Barnett, David James. 2008. Ramsey + Moore \(\neq\) God.” Analysis 68(2): 168–174.
    Barnett, David James. 2009a. Yalcin on ‘Might’ .” Mind 118(471): 771–775.
    Barnett, David James. 2009b. Is Vagueness Sui Generis? Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87(1): 5–34.
    Barnett, David James. 2009c. The Myth of the Categorical Counterfactual.” Philosophical Studies 144(2): 281–296.
    Barnett, David James. 2010a. You Are Simple.” in The Waning of Materialism, edited by Robert C. Koons and George Bealer, pp. 161–174. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199556182.001.0001.
    Barnett, David James. 2010b. Zif Would Have Been If: A Suppositional View of Counterfactuals.” Noûs 44(2): 269–304.
    Barnett, David James. 2012a. Future Conditionals and DeRose’s Thesis.” Mind 121(482): 407–442.
    Barnett, David James. 2012b. Counterfactual Entailment.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112(1): 73–97.
    Barnett, David James. 2012c. Knowledge, Luck, and the Cartesian Circle.” Unpublished manuscript, dated 12.22.12.
    Barnett, David James. 2012d. Chitchat on Personal Identity.” in Personal Identity: Complex or Simple?, edited by Georg Gasser and Matthias Stefan, pp. 21–43. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139028486.
    Barnett, David James. 2013. Vague Entailment.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91(2): 325–335.
    Barnett, David James. 2014. What’s the Matter with Epistemic Circularity? Philosophical Studies 171(2): 177–205.
    Barnett, David James. 2015. Is Memory Merely Testimony from One’s Former Self? The Philosophical Review 124(3): 353–392.
    Barnett, David James. 2019. Perceptual Justification and the Cartesian Theater.” in Oxford Studies in Epistemology, volume VI, edited by Tamar Szabó Gendler and John Hawthorne, pp. 1–34. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198833314.001.0001.

Further References

    Schiffer, Stephen. 2000. Vagueness and Partial Belief.” in Philosophical Issues 10: Skepticism, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 220–257. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.