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Arvid Båve (bave)

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    Båve, Arvid. 2006. Deflationism: A Use-Theoretic Analysis of the Truth-Predicate. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press.
    Båve, Arvid. 2008. A Pragmatic Defense of Millianism.” Philosophical Studies 138(2): 271–289.
    Båve, Arvid. 2009a. A Deflationary Theory of Reference.” Synthese 169(1): 51–73.
    Båve, Arvid. 2009b. Why is a truth-predicate like a pronoun? Philosophical Studies 145(2): 297–310.
    Båve, Arvid. 2010. Deflationism and the Primary Truth Bearer.” Synthese 173(2): 281–297.
    Båve, Arvid. 2011. How to Precisify Quantifiers.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 40(1): 103–111.
    Båve, Arvid. 2012. On Using Inconsistent Expressions.” Erkenntnis 77(1): 133–148.
    Båve, Arvid. 2013a. Compositional Semantics for Expressivists.” The Philosophical Quarterly 63(253): 633–659.
    Båve, Arvid. 2013b. Formulating Deflationism.” Synthese 190(15): 3287–3305.
    Båve, Arvid. 2015a. A Deflationist Error Theory of Properties.” Dialectica 69(1): 23–59.
    Båve, Arvid. 2015b. Charity and Error-Theoretic Nominalism.” Ratio 28(1): 256–270.
    Båve, Arvid. 2017. Self-Consciousness and Reductive Functionalism.” The Philosophical Quarterly 67(266): 1–21.
    Båve, Arvid. 2018. Trivial Languages.” Acta Analytica 33(1): 1–17.
    Björnsson, Gunnar and Båve, Arvid. 2007. Meaning as a Normative Concept: An Interview with Allan Gibbard.” Theoria 73(3): 190–206.