Avner Baz (baz)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Baz, Avner. 2000. “What’s the Point of Seeing Aspects?” Philosophical Investigations 23(2): 97–121.
Baz, Avner. 2003. “On When Words are Called For: Cavell, McDowell, and the Wording of the World.” Inquiry 46(4): 473–500.
Baz, Avner. 2008a. “The Reaches of Words.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16(1): 31–56.
Baz, Avner. 2008b. “Being Right, and Being in the Right.” Inquiry 51(6): 627–644.
Baz, Avner. 2009. “Who Knows?” European Journal of Philosophy 17(2): 201–223.
Baz, Avner. 2010. “Geach’s ‘Refutation’ of Austin Revisited.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40(1): 41–62.
Baz, Avner. 2011. “Aspect Perception and Philosophical Difficulty.” in The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein, edited by Oskari Kuusela and Marie McGinn, pp. 697–713. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199287505.001.0001.
Baz, Avner. 2012a. When Words are Called For: A Defense of Ordinary Language Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Baz, Avner. 2012b. “Must Philosophers Rely on Intuitions?” The Journal of Philosophy 109(4): 316–337.
Baz, Avner. 2015. “Questioning the Method of Cases Fundamentally – Reply to Deutsch (2015).” Inquiry 58(7–8): 895–907.
Baz, Avner. 2016a. “Recent Attempts to Defend the Philosophical Method of Cases and the Linguistic (Re)turn.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92(1): 105–130, doi:10.1111/phpr.12106.
Baz, Avner. 2016b. “Ordinary Language Philosophy.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology, edited by Herman Cappelen, Tamar Szabó Gendler, and John Hawthorne, pp. 112–129. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199668779.001.0001.
Baz, Avner. 2017a. The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198801887.001.0001.
Baz, Avner. 2017b. “Motivational Indeterminacy.” European Journal of Philosophy 25(2): 336–357.
Further References
Deutsch, Max Emil. 2015. “Avner Baz on the ‘Point’ of a Question.” Inquiry 58(7–8): 875–894.