Jiří Benovsky (benovsky)
Menzionato/a in queste pagine del portale
Actualités, Geschichte des Portals, Historique du portail, History of the Portal, La storia del portaleContributi a Philosophie.ch
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2006a. Persistence Through Time, and Across Possible
Worlds. Epistemische Studien / Epistemic
Studies n. 8. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2006b. “Four-Dimensionalism and Modal Perdurants.”
in Topics on General and Formal
Ontology, edited by Paolo Valore, pp. 137–160. Monza: Polimetrica.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2006c. “A
Modal Bundle Theory.” Metaphysica 7(2): 19–33.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2006d. “Branching versus Divergent Possible
Worlds.” Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 19:
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2007. “On
Presentist Perdurantism.” SATS – Northern European
Journal of Philosophy 8(2): 79–88.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2008a. “The Bundle Theory and the Substratum Theory: Deadly
Enemies or Twin Brothers?” Philosophical Studies
141(2): 175–190.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2008b. “Two Concepts of Possible Worlds – or Only
One?” Theoria 74(4): 318–330.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2008c. “There are Vague Objects (in Any Sense in which there are
Ordinary Objects).” Studia Philosophica Estonica
1(3): 1–4.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2009a. “On (Not) Being in Two Places at the Same Time: An
Argument Against Endurantism.” American Philosophical
Quarterly 46(3): 239–248.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2009b. “Eternalist Theories of Persistence Through Time: Where
the Differences Really Lie.” Axiomathes 19(1):
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2009c. “La
théorie des faisceaux et la théorie des
substrats.” in Gustav Bergmann. Phenomenological
Realism and Dialectical Ontology, edited by Bruno Langlet and Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, pp. 117–138. Philosophische
Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 29. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt:
Ontos Verlag.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2009d. “Presentism and Persistence.” Pacific
Philosophical Quarterly 90(3): 291–309.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2009e. “The Self: A Humean Bundle and/or a Cartesian
Substance?” European Journal of Analytic
Philosophy 5(1): 7–19.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2010a. Le
Puzzle Philosophique. Paris: Les Éditions
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2010b.
Qu’est-ce qu’une photographie? Chemins
Philosophiques. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2010c. “Relational and Substantival Ontologies, and the Nature
and the Role of Primitives in Ontological Theories.”
Erkenntnis 73(1): 101–121.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011a. “The Relationist and Substantivalist Theories of Time:
Foes or Friends?” European Journal of Philosophy
19(4): 491–506.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011b. “What Photographs Are (and what they Are
Not).” Disputatio 4(31): 239–254.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011c.
“Vagueness: A Statistical Epistemicist
Approach.” Teorema 30(3): 97–111.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011d. “Three Kinds of Realism about Photographs.”
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 25(4): 375–395.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011e. “Endurance, Perdurance, and Metaontology.”
SATS – Northern European Journal of Philosophy 12(2): 159–177.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2011f. “Endurance and Time Travel.” Kriterion –
Journal of Philosophy 24: 65–72.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2012a. “Photographic Representation and Depiction of Temporal
Extension.” Inquiry 55(2): 194–213.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2012b. “The Causal Efficiency of the Passage of
Time.” Philosophia 40(4): 763–769.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2012c. “Aesthetic Supervenience vs. Aesthetic
Grounding.” Estetika: The Central European Journal of
Aesthetics 5(2): 166–178.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2012d. “The Speed of Thought. Experience of Change, Movement, and
Time: A Lockean Account.” Locke Studies 12:
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2012e. “Le
réalisme modal de David Lewis nous condamne-t-il
à la souffrance éternelle?”
Klésis 24.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2013a. “New Reasons to Motivate Trope Theory: Endurantism and
Perdurantism.” Acta Analytica 28(2): 223–227.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2013b. “Branching and (in)determinism.”
Philosophical Papers 42(2): 151–173.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2013c. “Primitiveness, Metaontology, and Explanatory
Power.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie /
Canadian Philosophical Review 52(2): 341–358.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2013d. “Philosophical Theories, Aesthetic Value, and Theory
Choice.” The Journal of Value Inquiry 47(3):
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2013e. “Experiencing Photographs qua photographs: What’s
so Special about Them?” Contemporary Aesthetics
11(3): 191–205.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2014a. “Tropes or Universals: How (Not) to Make One’s
Choice.” Metaphilosophy 45(1): 69–86.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2014b. “I am a lot of things: a Pluralistic Account of the
Self.” Metaphysica 15(1): 113–127.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2014c. “The Limits of Photography.”
International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(5): 716–733.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2015a. “Review of Blumson (2014).”
Dialectica 69(2): 254–258.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2015b. “From Experience to Metaphysics: On Experience-based
Intuitions and their Role in Metaphysics.”
Noûs 49(4): 684–697.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2015c. “Vague Objects with Sharp Boundaries.”
Ratio 28(1): 29–39.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2016a. Meta-Metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence,
Primitiveness, and Theory Choice. Cham: Springer.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2016b.
“Dual-Aspect Monism.” Philosophical
Investigations 39(4): 335–352.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2018a. Eliminativism, Objects, and Persons. The Virtues of
Non-Existence. London: Routledge.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2018b. Mind and Matter. Panpsychism, Dual-Aspect Monism, and the
Combination Problem. Springer Briefs in
Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
Benovsky, Jiřı́. 2021.
“Primitives.” in The
Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics, edited by Ricki Leigh
Bliss and J. T. M. Miller, pp. 387–394. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315112596-30.
Further References
Blumson, Ben. 2014. Resemblance and Representation: An Essay in the Philosophy of Pictures. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.