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Evert Willem Beth (beth)

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    Beth, Evert Willem. 1946a. Logical and Psychological Aspects in the Consideration of Language.” Synthese 5: 542–542.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1946b. Historical Studies in Traditional Philosophy.” Synthese 5: 258–258.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1947a. Hundred Years of Symbolic Logic. A Retrospect on the Occasion of the Boole-De Morgan Centenary.” Dialectica 1(4): 331–346.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1947b. Semantical Considerations on Intuitionistic Mathematics.” Indagationes Mathematicae 9.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1948a. The Origin and Growth of Symbolic Logic.” Synthese 6(7–8): 268–274.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1948b. Analyse sémantique des théories physiques.” Synthese 7: 206–206.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1948c. Les relations de la dialectique à la logique.” Dialectica 2(6): 109–119.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1949. Towards an Up-to-Date Philosophy of the Natural Sciences.” Methodos 1: 178–185.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1950. Les fondements logiques des mathématiques. Paris: Gauthier Villars Éditeur.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1953. On Padoa’s Method in the Theory of Definition.” Indagationes Mathematicae 15: 330–339.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1955a. Semantic Entailment and Formal Derivability.” Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van wetenschappen, afd. lettterkunde, new series 18(13): 309–342. Amsterdam, Holland: N. V. Noord-Hollansche Uitgevers maatschappij.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1955b. Nieuwentyt’s Significance for the Philosophy of Science.” Synthese 9(1): 447–453.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1955c. Les fondements logiques des mathématiques. Paris: Gauthier Villars Éditeur. Deuxième édition de (Beth 1950) revue et augmentée.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1956. L’existence en mathématiques. Paris: Gauthier Villars Éditeur.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1957a. La crise de la raison et la logique. Paris: Gauthier Villars Éditeur.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1957b. Le savoir déductif dans la pensée cartésienne.” in Descartes. Actes du deuxième colloque philosophique de Royaumont, 19-24 novembre 1954, edited by Centre culturel international de Royaumont, pp. 141–153. Cahiers de Royaumont, Philosophie n. 2. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1957c. Über Lockes ‘Allgemeines Dreieck’ .” Kant-Studien 48(3): 361–380.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1958a. ‘Cogito ergo Sum’ – Raisonnement ou Intuition? Dialectica 12(47–48): 223–235.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1958b. Construction sémantique de la logique intuitionniste.”
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1959a. The Foundations of Mathematics. A Study in the Philosophy of Science. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1959b. A Study in the Philosophy of Science. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 25. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. Second edition: Beth (1966).
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1959c. Science and Classification.” Synthese 11(3): 231–244.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1959d. Remarks on intuitionistic Logic.” in Constructivity in Mathematics, edited by Arend Heyting, pp. 15–25. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. Unpublished manuscript.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1959e. Considérations heuristiques sur les méthodes de déduction par séquences.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 2(8): 153–159.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1960a. Observations au sujet du raisonnement indirect.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 3(11–12): 166–173.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1960b. Semantics of Physical Theories.” Synthese 12(2–3): 172–175.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1960c. Extension and Intension.” Synthese 12(4): 375–379. Reprinted in Kazemier and Vuysje (1962, 64–69).
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1961. Semantics of Physical Theories.” in The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences, edited by Hans Freudenthal, pp. 48–51. Synthese Library n. 3. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1962a. Formal Methods. An Introduction to Symbolic Logic and to the Study of Effective Operations in Arithmetic and Logic. Synthese Library n. 4. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1962b. Les rapports entre langues formalisées et langue naturelle.” in La philosophie analytique, edited by Jean Wahl, pp. 248–270. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Compte rendu colloque e 1958 à Royaumont; réimprimé 1990, ISBN 2707302791.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1963a. The Relationship between Formalized Languages and Natural Languages.” Synthese 15(1): 1–16. Reprinted in Gregg and Harris (1964, 66–82).
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1963b. Carnap’s Views on the Advantages of Constructed Systems versus Natural Languages in the Philosophy of Science.” in The Philosophy of Rudolph Carnap, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 469–502. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 11. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1963c. Observations Concerning Computation, Deduction, and Heuristics.” in Computer Programming and Formal Systems, edited by P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg, pp. 21–32. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 35. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1965. Mathematical Thought – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics. Synthese Library n. 11. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1966. The Foundations of Mathematics. A Study in the Philosophy of Science. New York: Harper & Row. First edition: Beth (1959b).
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1970. Aspects of Modern Logic. Synthese Library n. 32. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem. 1972. Conséquence sémantique et dérivabilité formelle.” in Logique mathématique, Textes, edited by Jean Largeault, pp. 57–90. U Epistémologie. Paris: Armand Colin. Traduction de Beth (1955a).
    Beth, Evert Willem and Leblanc, Hugues. 1960. A Note on the Intuitionistic and the Classical Propositional Calculus.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 3(11–12): 174–176.
    Beth, Evert Willem and Piaget, Jean. 1966. Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology. Synthese Library n. 12. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem, Pos, H. J. and Hollack, Jan H. A., eds. 1949a. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy (Amsterdam, August 11-18, 1948). vol. 1. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Beth, Evert Willem, Pos, H. J. and Hollack, Jan H. A., eds. 1949b. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy (Amsterdam, August 11-18, 1948). vol. 2. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Perelman, Chaı̈m, Beth, Evert Willem, Gueroult, Martial, Beck, Leslie M. and Prenant, Lucie. 1957. Diskussion im Anschluss an Beth (1957b).” in Descartes. Actes du deuxième colloque philosophique de Royaumont, 19-24 novembre 1954, edited by Centre culturel international de Royaumont, pp. 154–165. Cahiers de Royaumont, Philosophie n. 2. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.

Further References

    Gregg, John R. and Harris, F. T. C., eds. 1964. Form and Strategy in Science. Studies dedicated to Joseph Henry Woodger on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Kazemier, B. H. and Vuysje, D., eds. 1962. Logic and Language. Studies dedicated to Professor Rudolf Carnap on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Synthese Library n. 5. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.