Brand Blanshard (blanshard)
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Blanshard, Brand. 1922. “Review of McTaggart (1921).” The Journal of Philosophy 19(18): 497–500.
Blanshard, Brand. 1925. “Francis Herbert Bradley.” The Journal of Philosophy 22(1): 5–15.
Blanshard, Brand. 1929. “Review of McTaggart (1927).” The Journal of Philosophy 26(21): 582–587.
Blanshard, Brand. 1939. The Nature of Thought. Volume 2. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Blanshard, Brand. 1941. “The Nature of Mind.” The Journal of Philosophy 38(8): 207–216.
Blanshard, Brand. 1953. “The Nature of Analysis.” Proceedings of the British Academy 38.
Blanshard, Brand. 1958. “The Case for Determinism.” in Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 19–30. New York: New York University Press.
Blanshard, Brand. 1959. “Broad’s Conception of Reason.” in The Philosophy of C.D. Broad, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 233–262. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 10. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Blanshard, Brand. 1962. Reason and Analysis. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Blanshard, Brand. 1964. “Critical Reflections on Karl Barth.” in Faith and the Philosophers, edited by John H. Hick, pp. 159–200. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Blanshard, Brand. 1967. “Internal Relations and their Importance to Philosophy.” The Review of Metaphysics 21(2): 227–236.
Blanshard, Brand. 1969. “Bertrand Russell in Retrospect.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 7(4): 585–607.
Blanshard, Brand. 1971. “The Ethics of Belief.” Philosophic Exchange 2: 81–93.
Blanshard, Brand. 1977. “Practical Reason: Reason and Feeling in 20th-Century Ethics.” in The Abdication of Philosophy: Philosophy and the Public Good – Essays in Honor of Paul Arthur Schilpp, edited by Eugene Freeman, pp. 49–66. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Blanshard, Brand. 1984. “Bradley on Relations.” in The Philosophy of F.H. Bradley, edited by Anthony Richards Manser and Guy Stock, pp. 211–226. Oxford: Oxford University Press.