Founded in 1969, this journal has published little-known but very interesting contributions by many of the best philosophers. Its content have been made freely available at the SUNY Open Access Repository. Discover them here!
Up to 2014, the articles also feature interesting pictures of the authors.
General Description
The journal's website says:
"Philosophic Exchange is published by the Center for Philosophic Exchange, at the College at Brockport. The Center for Philosophic Exchange was founded by SUNY Chancellor Samuel Gould in 1969 to conduct a continuing program of philosophical inquiry, relating to both academic and public issues. Each year the Center hosts four speakers, and each speaker gives a public lecture that is intended for a general audience. These lectures are then published in this journal.
The Center for Philosophic Exchange aims to bring the best contemporary philosophy to a wider audience -- one that includes both academic philosophers and the general public. To that end, the papers that are published here do not presuppose any background knowledge in philosophy. However, these papers are also intended for professional philosophers. Our goal is to promote dialogue about philosophical issues both within and without the walls of academia, and thereby promote the intellectual life of our society."
Much is available from the SUNY OA Repository, though often the pdfs are not of the best quality. The repository uses handles instead of dois, but that's ok.
Volume 16 (1985), 20 (1989), 22 (1991), 24 (1993, except for Rescher's article) are missing from the SUNY Open Repository.
There's some weird page numbering in vol. 17 (1986), which makes Munson's and Braude's articles overlap.
- Aiken, Henry David: Can American Universities be Depoliticized?
- Hook, Sidney: From the Platitudinous to the Absurd
- Harcleroad, Fred F.: The Academy Is Political
- Edel, Abraham: The Scientific Enterprise and Social Conscience
- Black, Max: A Note on Professor Edel's Paper
- Morison, Robert: A Scientist's Comments on `The Scientific Enterprise and Social Conscience'
- Weitz, Morris: The Coinage of Man: King Lear and Camus' Stranger
- Cohen, Marshall: Lear and Nature
- Sparshott, Francis E.: Weitz on the Coinage of Man
- Cohen, Marshall: Civil Disobedience in a Constitutional Democracy
- Nielsen, Kai: Remarks on Violence and Paying the Penalty
- Hughes, Graham: Response to Professor Marshall Cohen
- Ayer, Alfred Jules: A Honest Ghost? [on Ryle, Concept of Mind]
- Hartnack, Justus: Professor Ayer's Honest Ghost
- Taylor, Richard N.: Response to Professor A.J. Ayer
- Beardsley, Monroe C.: Inevitability in History
- Danto, Arthur Coleman: Determinism and Inevitability
- Krieger, Leonard: Comment on Monroe Beardsley 's `Inevitability in History'
- Shaffer, Jerome A.: The Philosophy of Mind and Some Ethical Implications
- Firth, Roderick: On Being in the Mind
- Stack, George J.: Ethical and Epistemic Dilemmas of Behaviourism and the Identity Thesis
- Scheffler, Israel: Philosophy and the Curriculum
- Archambault, Reginald D.: A Response to Professor Scheffler's Paper
- Wilson, John D.: Remarks on `Philosophy and the Curriculum'
- Blanshard, Brand: The Ethics of Belief
- FerrL, Frederick: Towards a Reasonable Ethics of Belief
- Keene, J. Calvin: Religion and Belief
- Sparshott, Francis E.: Vision and Dream in the Cinema
- Foot, Phillipa R.: In Defense of the Hypothetical Imperative
- Rabkin, Gerald: The Conventions of Film: A Response to Professor Sparshott
- Glickman, Jack: On Sparshott's `Vision and Dream in the Cinema'
- Beck, Lewis White: Mrs. Foot on the Sufficiency of Hypothetical Imperatives
- Gilbert, Joseph: Foot-Notes
- MacIntyre, Alasdair C.: Predictability and Explanation in the Social Sciences
- Taylor, Charles: A Response to MacIntyre
- Morrison, Paula G.: Do Social Events Defy Scientific Prediction?
- Dewart, Leslie: Language and Religion
- Smith, Jr.: Linguistic Relativity: A Response to Professor Dewart
- Catan, John: Comment on Dewart's Language and Religion
- Freeman, Eugene: Objectivity and the Transactional Theory of Perception
- Greenstein, Harold: Rejoinder to Professor Freeman
- Lindauer, M.S.: A Psychologist's Response to Philosophical Analysis: Comments on Freeman's "Objectivity...''
- Weiss, Paul: Records and the Man
- Schacht, Richard: On Weiss on Records, Athletic Actiity, and the Athlete
- Fraleigh, Warren: On Weiss on Records and on the Significance of Athletic Records
- Kretchmar, Scott: Ontological Possibilities: Sport as Play
- Keenan, Francis: The Athletic Contest as a "Tragic" Form of Art
- Marty, Martin E.: Locating Consent and Dissent in American Religion
- Glock, Charles Y.: Locating Consent and Dissent in American Religion: A Comment
- Clements, Tad: Some Impressions of Martin E. Marty's Paper: "Locating Consent and Dissent in American Religion"
- Potter, Karl H.: Indian Philosophy's Alleged Religious Orientation
- Riepe, Dan: On the Proper Interpretation of Indian Religion and Philosophy
- Mathur, Dinesh C.: On Understanding Indian Philosophical Thinking
- Weitz, Morris: The Concept of Human Action
- Alston, William P.: Response to Weitz^
- Eccles, John C.: Unconscious Actions Emanating From the Human Cerebral Cortex
- Keating, James: The Ethics of Competition and its Relation to Some Moral Problems of Athletes
- Sadler, William A.: A Contextual Approach to an Understanding of Competition: A Response to Keating's Philosophy of Athletics
- Osterhoudt, Robert G.: On Keating on the Competitive Motif in Athletics and Playful Activity
- Greene, Maxine: Cognition and Consciousness: Humanities and the Elementary Teacher
- Simmons, George and Johnson, John W.: A Response to Cognition and Consciousness: The Humanities and the Elementary School Teacher
- Roehm, Marilyn: A Response to Cognition and Consciousness: The Humanities and the Elementary School Teacher
- Martin, Michael: Value Judgments and the Acceptance of Hypothesis in Science and Science Education
- Michalos, Alex C.: Values in Science and Science Education
- Finley, K. Thomas: Some Problems in Communication Between Philosopher and Scientist
- Rudner, Richard S.: Some Essays at Objectivity
- Andrews, William G.: A Social Scientist Looks at Unitarians and Separatists
- Kateb, George: Comments on "Some Essays at Objectivity"
- Beardsley, Monroe C.: Semiotic Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education
- Henderson, Ian H.: Response to Beadsley on "Semiotic Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education"
- Tormey, Alan: Aesthetic Theory and Education
- Golightly, Cornelius L.: Justice and `Discrimination For' in Higher Education
- Burke, Armand: Another View of Reverse Discrimination
- Crandall, John C.: Affirmative Action: Goals and Consequences
- Kuntz, Paul G.: Aesthetics Applies to Sports as Well as to the Arts
- Ziff, Paul: A Fine Forehand
- Thomas, Carolyn E.: Toward an Experiential Sport Aesthetic
- Peckham, Morse: Romanticism and Behavior
- Abrams, M.H.: Morse Peckham's "Romanticism and Behavior": A Reply
- McElrath, Joseph R.: A Commentary on Morse Peckham's "Romanticism and Behavior"
- Singer, Peter: All Animals Are Equal
- Margolis, Joseph: Animals Have No Rights And Are Not The Equal of Humans
- Donaghy, Kevin: Singer on Speciesism
- Unger, Peter: An Argument for Skepticism
- Black, Max: An Immoderate Skepticism: Some Comments on Professor Unger's Paper
- Dicker, Georges: Certainty Without Dogmatism: A Reply to Unger's "An Argument for Skepticism"
- Vuillemin, Jules: Quine's Concept of Stimulus Meaning
- Pears, David F.: Hume's Account of Personal Identity
- Pears, David F.: Causation and Memory
- Hare, Richard M.: Euthanasia - A Christian View
- Castaneda, Hector-Neri: The Good Society and the Complexity of the Structure of Morality
- Bunge, Mario: Towards a Technoethics
- Nielsen, Kai: Radical Philosophy and Critical Theory: Examination and Defense
- Nowell-Smith, Patrick H.: What is Authority?
- Ricoeur, Paul: Ideology and Utopia as Cultural Imagination
- Bernadete, José: Infinity and the Double Language of Mathematics
- Pears, David F.: Aristotle's Analysis of Courage
- Vendler, Zeno: Words in Thought
- Hintikka, Jaakko and Kannisto, Heikki: Kant on 'The Great Chain of Being' or the Eventual Realization of All Possibilities: A Comparative Study
- Ricoeur, Paul: Writing as a Problem for Literary Criticism and Philosophical Hermeneutics
- Alston, William P.: Sentence Meaning and Illocutionary Act Potential
- Baier, Kurt: The Strengths and Limits of the Theory of Retributive Punishment
- Taylor, Charles: The Ethics of Convention and the Ethics of Nature
- Black, Max: Some Remarks About Rationality
- Quinton, Anthony: In Defense of Introspection
- Apel, Karl-Otto: Transcendental Semiotics and the Paradigms of FIrst Philosophy
- Chisholm, Roderick M.: Is There a Mind-Body Problem?
- MacIntyre, Alasdair C.: What Has Ethics to Learn from Medical Ethics?
- Perelman, Chaim: The Philosophy of Pluralism
- Malcolm, Norman: Wittgenstein's Conception of FIrst Person Psychological Sentences as "Expressions"
- Gorovitz, Samuel: Equity and Efficiency in Health Care
- Gauthier, David P.: Bargaining Our Way Into Morality: A Do-It-Yourself
- Perelman, Chaim: The Rational and the Reasonable
- Cohen, Carl: Moral Issues in Medical Experimentation on Humans
- Bernadete, José: Toward a Philosophy of Chess
- Rescher, Nicholas: Technological Progress and Human Happiness
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg: Heidegger's Paths
- Margolis, Joseph: The Concept of Consciousness
- Castaneda, Hector-Neri: Some Reflections on Existence
- Bennett, Jonathan: Towards a Theory of Punishment
- Aiken, Henry David: Contra "The Moral Point of View"
- Kiefer, Howard E.: Some Reflections on the Philosophy of Education
- Danto, Arthur Coleman: Aesthetic Responses and Works of Art
- Wartofsky, Marx W.: Sight, Symbol and Society: Toward a History of Visual Perception
- DeGeorge, Richard T.: Moral Responsibility and the Corporation
- Aiken, Henry David: William James as Moral and Social Philosopher
- Sparshott, Francis E.: The Solitary Dancer: A Problem in Aesthetics
- Black, Max: The Prevalence of Humbug
- Bennett, Jonathan: Leibniz's New Essays
- Gauthier, David P.: No Need for Morality: The Case of the Competitive Market
- Baier, Annette C.: Virtue Ethics
- Carroll, Noel: From Real to Reel: Entangled in Nonfiction Film
- Brownson, Carol: Objectivity and Nonfiction
- Wolf, Jack C.: Carroll's "From Real to Reel"
- Carroll, Noel: Reply to Carol Brownson and Jack C.Wolf
- Schauer, Frederick: Rights and the Right to Know
- Kane, Peter E.: Official Secrets and the Right to Know
- Ruddick, William: Patient Morality: Compliance, Perseverance and Other Athletic Virtues
- White, David E.: Comments on "Patient Morality"
- Tormey, Judith Farr: The Ambivalent Self
- Stack, George J.: The Sartrean Self: Ambivalent or Paradoxical
- Ruse, Michael E.: Evolution and Morality
- Kolenda, Konstantin: Facing Death: Four Literary Accounts
- Phillips, Dewi Z.: Grace and Works
- Berenson, Frances: Some Remarks About the Unutterable
- Hamilton, James R.: Aesthetics and Ideology in the Development of "Character" in Theater
- Haiman, Franklyn S.: Can the First Amendment Survive?
- Rachels, James: Chess as Art: Reflections on Richard Reti
- Lord, Catherine: Is Chess Art?
- Nielsen, Kai: Arguing for Equality
- Tilghman, Benjamin R.: Making Connections: An Essay on Creativity in Science and Poetry
- Munson, Ronald: The Human Limits of Science
- Braude, Stephen E.: You Can Say That Again
- Solomon, Robert C.: The Ego in Germanic Philosophy: A Reexamination
- Blizek, William L.: What Men What to Know About the Ethics of Women
- Kleinig, John: Testimonial Deception by Police: An Ethical Analysis
- Stern, Laurent: Two Constraints on Interpreting
- Lyons, David: Ambiguity, Incoherence and Evalation in Constitutional Theory
- Battin, Margaret Pabst: High-Risk Religion
- Held, Virginia: Culture or Commerce: On the Liberation of Expression
- Sparshott, Francis E.: Philosophical Theories of Human Nature
- Kivy, Peter: Hearing the Emotions
- McCormick, Peter: From the Angel to Orpheus: Fictions of Self-Transformation in Rilke's Late Poetry
- Copeland, Roger: Dance Writing and the Fear of Generalization
- Binkley, Timothy: The Computer is Not a Medium
There does not seem to be anything in 1989.
- Cohen, Ted: Inventing Philosophy
- Hein, Hilde: Where is the Woman in Feminist Theory? The Case of Aesthetics
- Sircello, Guy: Towards a Critique of Contemporary Aesthetics
- Singer, Marcus George: Polar Terms and Interdependent Concepts
- Singer, Marcus George: The Polarity Fallacy
- Mayo, David J.: The Role of Slippery Slope Arguments in Public Policy Debates
- Carroll, Noel: The Nature of Mass-Art
- Novitz, David: Noel Carroll's Theory of Mass Art
- Carroll, Noel: Mass-Art, High-Art, and the Avant-Garde: A Response to David Novitz
- Feldman, Fred: Life-Functional Theories of Life
- Walton, Kendall L.: Make-Believe and Its Role in Pictorial Representation and the Acquisition of Knowledge
- Rescher, Nicholas: Luck and the Enigmas of Fate
- Wartofsky, Marx W.: Science and Art: Heuristic and Aesthetic Dimensions of Scientific Discovery
- Sparshott, Francis E.: Aesthetics and the End of Civilization
- Gorovitz, Samuel: Whose Patient Am I, Anyway? How New Economic Threats to Continuity of Care Can Undermine the Doctor/Patient Relationship
- Narveson, Jan: Resources and Environmental Policy
- Margolis, Joseph: A Reckoning of Sorts on the Prospects of Moral Philosophy
- Bennett, Jonathan: Mind and Brain in the 17th Century
- Nielsen, Kai: Is 'True Philosophy' Like True Art?
- Lyons, David: Political Responsibility and Resistance to Civil Government
- Held, Virginia: Justice and Utility: Who Cares?
- Sober, Elliott R.: Evolution and Optimality: Feathers, Bowling Balls, and the Thesis of Adaptationism
- Alcoff, Linda Martin: Is the Feminist Critique of Reason Rational?
- Bedau, Hugo Adam: The Precarious Sovereignty of Rights
- Battin, Margaret Pabst: Sex & Consequences: World Population Growth vs. Reproductive Rights
- Rescher, Nicholas: Coping with Cognitive Limitations: Problems of Rationality in a Complex World
- Kittay, Eva Feder: Women, Welfare, and a Public Ethic of Care
- Rowe, William L.: God and Evil
- Kivy, Peter: On the Banality of Literary Truths
- Cohen, Carl: Preference by Race is Neither Just Nor Wise
- DeGeorge, Richard T.: Computers, Ethics and Business
- Munevar, Gonzalo: Philosophy and the Exploration of the Solar System
- Nielsen, Kai: Cosmopolitanism, Universalism and Particularism in an Age of Nationalism and Multiculturalism
- Caws, Peter: Understanding the Human World: Structure, Instruction and Deconstruction
- Audi, Robert: The Scope of Motivation and the Basis of Practical Reason
- Alcoff, Linda Martin: On Judging Epistemic Credibility: Is Social Identity Relevant?
- Kim, Jaegwon: How can my mind move my limbs? Mental causation from Descartes to contemporary physicalism
- Hirsch, Eli: The Rational Physician
- Muelder Eaton, Marcia: Dangerous Beauties
- Baker, Lynne Rudder: God and Science in the Public Schools
- Wolf, Susan M.: The Moral of Moral Luck
- Dretske, Fred I.: Animal Minds
- Blackburn, Simon: Who's Afraid of Postmodernism?
- Van Cleve, James: Borges's Two Refutations of Time
- Antony, Louise M.: The 'Faith' of an Atheist
- Fogelin, Robert J.: Why Obey the Laws of Logic?
- Lycan, William G.: The Plurality of Consciousness
- Warfield, Ted A.: When Doctors Kill Patients: Vital Organ Transplants
- Matthews, Gareth B.: Socratic Ignorance
- Pereboom, Derk: Meaning in Life without Free Will
- Duhan Kaplan, Laura: Tradition and Innovation: Metaphor in Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
- Perry, John R.: The Search for the Semantic Grail
- Haslanger, Sally: Future Genders? Future Races?
- Slote, Michael Anthony: Are Women Morally Different from Men?
- van Inwagen, Peter: Can Science Disprove the Existence of God?
- Winkler, Kenneth P.: Empiricism and Multiculturalism
- Witt, Charlotte: Tragic Error and Agent Responsibility
- van Fraassen, Bas C.: Appearance vs.~Reality as a Scientific Problem
- Sosa, Ernest: Dreams and Skeptics
- Shue, Henry: Preemption, Prevention and Predation: Why the Bush Strategy is Dangerous
- Seager, William E.: The Emergence of Consciousness
- Whiting, Jennifer E.: One is not Born but Becomes a Person: The Importance of Philosophical Mothering
- Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus: Self-Trust and the Diversity of Religions
- Zimmerman, Dean W.: God, Evil, and the Contemplation of Infinitely Many Options
- Hawthorne, John: Religious Knowledge
- Reginster, Bernard: Nietzsche's New Happiness: Longing, Boredom, and the Elusiveness of Fulfillment
- Smith, Nicholas D.: Socrates and Plato on Poetry
- Williams, Michael: Naturalism, Realism and Pragmatism
- Narveson, Jan: Why Care about Liberty?
- Garver, Newton: Wittgenstein's Radical Alternative
- Sherman, Nancy: Stoic Equanimity in the Face of Torture
- Bilgrami, Akeel: Gandhi, Newton and the Enlightenment
- Fischer, John Martin: Stories and the Meaning of Life
- Hirsch, Eli: Diabolical Mysticism, Death, and Skepticism
- Levine, Andrew: Atheism: Young Hegelian Style
- Vallentyne, Peter: Left-Libertarianism as a Promising Form of Liberal Egalitarianism
- Carse, Alisa L.: Trust as Robustly Moral
- Helm, Bennett W.: Love as Intimate Identification
- Pereboom, Derk: Structuralism, Anti-Structuralism and Objectivity
- Vargas, Manuel R.: Responsibility in a World of Causes
- Blackburn, Simon: Pragmatism in Philosophy: The Hidden Alternative
- Gottlieb, Paula: Aristotelian Happiness
- Leunissen, Mariska: "Crafting Natures": Aristotle on Animal Design
- Simmons, Alison: Re-Humanizing Descartes
- Besser-Jones, Lorraine: Virtue and Flourishing in Our Interpersonal Relationships
- Hatfield, Gary C.: Philosophy of Perception and the Phenomenology of Visual Space
- Reeve, C.D.C.: Alcibiades and the Politics of Rumour in Thucydides
- Wierenga, Edward R.: The Ontological Argument and Objects of Thought
- Schweickart, David: Tired of Capitalism? How about Something Better?
- Mele, Alfred R.: Free Will and Neuroscience
- Arneson, Robert: Is Patriotism Immoral?
- Della Rocca, Michael: Adventures in Rationalism
- Duncan, Craig: Of Fortunes and Fortune: Justice and the Variety of Inputs to Wealth
- McNaughton, David and Rawling, Piers: Parfit's 'Triple Theory' and its Troubles
- FitzPatrick, William J.: Evolutionary Theory and Morality: Why the Science Doesn't Settle the Philosophical Questions
- Driver, Julia: Love and Duty
- Bredley, Ben: Well-Being at a Time
- van Gulick, Robert: Understanding Consciousness - Have We Cut the Gordian Knot or Not? (Integration, Unity, and the Self)
- Conee, Earl: A Mysterious Case of Missing Value
- Lennox, James G.: Aristotle and Darwin: Antagonists or Kindred Spirits?
- Bennett, Karen: Conceptual Analysis and its Limits
- Sobel, David: The Ethics of Eating Meat
- Matthen, Mohan: Art, Pleasure, Value: Reframing the Questions
- Cuneo, Terence: Should We be Moved by What Motivates Expressivism?
- Rupert, Robert D.: The Self in the Age of Cognitive Science: Decoupling the Self from the Personal Level
- Kornblith, Hilary: Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
- Audi, Paul: Existential Inertia
- Garcia, Jorge L.A.: Racisim and the Discourse of Phobias: Negrophobia, Xenophobia and More - Dialogue with Kim and Sundstrom
- Dudrick, David: Why Tolerate Religion? A (Surprising) Nietzschean Answer
- Schenkler, John: Steering Clear of Trouble
- Shieber, Joseph: An Idle and Most False Imposition: Truth-Seeking vs. Status-Seeking and the Failure of Epistemic Vigilance
- Joshi, Hrishikesh: Socially Motivated Belief and Its Epistemic Discontents