Robert Boyle (boyle-r)
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Boyle, Robert. 1647. “About the Excellency and Grounds of the Mechanical Hypothesis.” in Selected Philosophical Papers, pp. 138–154. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Edited by M.A. Stewart.
Boyle, Robert. 1666. “The Origin and Forms of Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy.” in Selected Philosophical Papers, pp. 1–96. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Edited by M.A. Stewart.
Boyle, Robert. 1671. “An Introduction to the History of Particular Qualities.” in Selected Philosophical Papers, pp. 97–118. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Edited by M.A. Stewart.
Boyle, Robert. 1979. Selected Philosophical Papers. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Edited by M.A. Stewart.