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Francis Herbert Bradley (bradley-fh)

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    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1876. Ethical Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Second edition: Bradley (1927).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1883a. The Principles of Logic. Volume I. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. Second edition: Bradley (1922a).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1883b. The Principles of Logic. Volume II. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. Second edition: Bradley (1922b).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1883c. Sympathy and Interest.” Mind 8(32): 573–575.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1883d. Is there such a thing as Pure Malevolence? Mind 8(31): 415–418.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1884. Can a Man Sin Against Knowledge? Mind 9(34): 286–290.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1886a. On the Analysis of Comparison.” Mind 11(41): 83–85.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1886b. Is there Any Special Activity of Attention? Mind 11(43): 305–323.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1887a. Association and Thought.” Mind 12(47): 354–381.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1887b. Why do we Remember Forwards and not Backwards? Mind 12(48): 579–582.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1887c. On a Feature of Active Attention.” Mind 12(46): 314.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1888a. On Pleasure, Pain, Desire and Volition.” Mind 13(49): 1–36.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1888b. Reality and Thought.” Mind 13(51): 370–382.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1893a. Appearance and Reality – A Metaphysical Essay. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1893b. On Professor James’s Doctrine of Simple Resemblance (I).” Mind 2(5): 83–88. Reprinted in Bradley (1935a, I: 287–294).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1893c. On Professor James’s Doctrine of Simple Resemblance (II).” Mind 2(7): 366–369. Reprinted in Bradley (1935a, I: 295–300).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1893d. On Professor James’s Doctrine of Simple Resemblance (III) [reply to James (1893)].” Mind 2(8): 510. Reprinted in Bradley (1935a, I: 301–302).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1893e. Consciousness and Experience.” Mind 2(6): 211–216.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1894a. A Reply to a Criticism [of Ward (1894)].” Mind 3(10): 232–239.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1894b. On the Failure of Movement in Dream.” Mind 3(11): 373–377.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1894c. Some Remarks on Punishment.” International Journal of Ethics 4(3): 269–284.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1895a. What do we Mean by the Intensity of Psychical States.” Mind 4(13): 1–27.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1895b. On the Supposed Uselessness of the Soul.” Mind 4(14): 176–179.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1895c. In What Sense are Psychical States Extended? Mind 4(14): 225–235.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1896. The Contrary and the Disparate.” Mind 5(20): 464–482.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1897. Appearance and Reality – A Metaphysical Essay. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1899. Some Remarks on Memory and Inference.” Mind 8(30): 145–166.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1900. A Defence of Phenomenalism in Psychology.” Mind 9(33): 26–45.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1901. Some Remarks on Conation.” Mind 10(40): 437–454.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1902a. On Active Attention.” Mind 11(41): 1–30.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1902b. On Mental Conflict and Imputation.” Mind 11(43): 289–315.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1902c. The Definition of Will.” Mind 11(44): 437–469.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1903. The Definition of Will.” Mind 12(46): 145–176.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1904a. On Truth and Practice.” Mind 13(51): 309–335.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1904b. The Definition of Will [(II)].” Mind 13(49): 1–37.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1906. On Floating Ideas and the Imaginary.” Mind 15(60): 445–472.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1907. On Truth and Copying.” Mind 16(62): 165–180.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1908a. On Memory and Judgment.” Mind 16(66): 153–174.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1908b. On the Ambiguity of Pragmatism.” Mind 16(66): 226–237.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1909a. On our Knowledge of Immediate Experience.” Mind 18(69): 40–64.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1909b. On Truth and Coherence.” Mind 18(71): 329–342.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1909c. Coherence and Contradiction.” Mind 18(72): 489–508.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1910. On Appearance, Error, and Contradiction.” Mind 19(74): 153–185. Reprinted in Bradley (1914a, 245–273).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1911a. Reply to Mr. Russell’s Explanation [on Russell (1910)].” Mind 20(77): 74–76.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1911b. On some Aspects of Truth.” Mind 20(79): 305–341.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1912. A Reply to a Criticism.” Mind 21(81): 148–150.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1914a. Essays on Truth and Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1914b. Introductory.” in Essays on Truth and Reality, pp. 1–14. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1914c. A Discussion of Some Problems in Connexion with Mr. Russell’s Doctrine.” in Essays on Truth and Reality, pp. 293–309. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1916. Appearance and Reality – A Metaphysical Essay. 6th ed. London: George Allen & Unwin.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1922a. The Principles of Logic. Volume I. London: Oxford University Press. Second, revised edition;1st edition: Bradley (1883a).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1922b. The Principles of Logic. Volume II. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Second, revised edition;1st edition: Bradley (1883b).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1927. Ethical Studies. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. First edition: Bradley (1876).
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1930a. Appearance and Reality – A Metaphysical Essay. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1930b. Aphorisms. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1935a. Collected Essays. vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1935b. Collected Essays. vol. II. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1935c. Relations.” in Collected Essays, volume I, pp. 628–676. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1960. Relativité.” Les Études Philosophiques 15(1): 3–22. Traduit de l’anglais par P. Fruchon.
    Bradley, Francis Herbert. 1994. Writings on Logic and Metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by James W. Allard and Guy Stock.

Further References

    James, William. 1893. Immediate Resemblance.” Mind 2(8): 509–510.
    Russell, Bertrand Arthur William. 1910. Some Explanations in Reply to Mr Bradley [on Bradley (1910)].” Mind 19(75): 373–378. Reprinted in Russell (1992, 349–358).
    Russell, Bertrand Arthur William. 1992. Logical and Philosophical Papers, 1909–1913. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, The McMaster University Edition n. 6. London: Routledge. Edited by John G. Slater, with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann.
    Ward, James. 1894. Review of Bradley (1893a).” Mind 3(9): 109–125.