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Stefan Brass (brass)

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    Brass, Stefan. 1993. On the Semantics of Supernormal Defaults.” in IJCAI-94. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Ruzena Bajcsy, pp. 578–583. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brass, Stefan, Dix, Jürgen, Niemelä, Ilkka and Przmusinski, Teodor C. 1998. A Comparison of the Static and the Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics and its Implementation.” in KR’98: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Anthony G. Cohn, Lenhart K. Schubert, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 74–85. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brass, Stefan, Dix, Jürgen and Przymusinski, Teodor C. 1996. Super Logic Programs.” in KR’96: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Jon Doyle, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 529–539. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brass, Stefan, Dix, Jürgen and Przymusinski, Teodor C. 1999. Computation of the Semantics of Autoepistemic Belief Theories.” Artificial Intelligence 112(1–2): 233–250.