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Nicolas Bullot (bullot)

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    Bullot, Nicolas, Casati, Roberto and Dokic, Jérôme. 2004. Représenter l’espace des objets physiques: La thèse de dépendance réciproque entre l’identification des objets et celle des lieux.” in Agir dans l’espace, edited by C. Thinus-Blanc and J. Bullier. ? ?
    Bullot, Nicolas, Casati, Roberto, Dokic, Jérôme and Ludwig, Pascal. 2005. Art et cognition : deux théories.” in, pp. 45–48.
    Bullot, Nicolas and Egré, Paul. 2010. Editorial: Objects and Sound Perception.” The Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1(1): 5–17.
    Bullot, Nicolas and Rysiew, Patrick. 2007. A Study in the Cognition of Individuals’ Identity: Solving the Problem of Singular Cognition in Object and Agent Tracking.” Consciousness and Cognition 16: 276–293.