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Alan Bundy (bundy-a)

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    Boden, Margaret A., Bundy, Alan and Needham, Roger M., eds. 1994. Artificial Intelligence and the Mind: New Breakthroughs or Deadends? London: Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 349, No. 1689. Available at .
    Bundy, Alan. 1978. Will it Reach the Top? Prediction in the Mechanics World.” Artificial Intelligence 10(2): 129–146.
    Bundy, Alan, ed. 1983. IJCAI-83. Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Bundy, Alan. 1984. Meta-Level Inference and Consciousness.” in The Mind and the Machine: Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, edited by Steven B. Torrance, pp. 156–167. Chichester, West Sussex: Ellis Horwood, Ltd. Second edition: Torrance (1994).
    Bundy, Alan. 1990. What Kind of Field is AI? in The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: A Sourcebook, edited by Derek Partridge and Yorick A. Wilks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Bundy, Alan. 1994a. A Subsumption Architecture for Theorem Proving? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A: Physical Sciences and Engineering 349(1689): 4–85.
    Bundy, Alan, ed. 1994b. CADE-12 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 814. Berlin: Springer.
    Bundy, Alan. 2011. On Epistemic Abstemiousness: A Reply to Aikin et al. (2011).” Logos & Episteme 2(4): 619–624.
    Bundy, Alan, Giunchiglia, Fausto, Sebastiani, Roberto and Walsh, Toby. 1996. Calculating Criticalities.” Artificial Intelligence 88(1–2): 39–67.
    Bundy, Alan, Silver, Bernard and Plummer, Dave. 1985. An Analytical Comparison of Some Rule-Learning Programs.” Artificial Intelligence 27(2): 137–181.
    Bundy, Alan, Stevens, Andrew, van Harmelen, Frank, Ireland, Andrew and Smail, Alan. 1993. Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs.” Artificial Intelligence 62(2): 185–253.
    Bundy, Alan and Welham, Bob. 1981. Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rule Sets in Algebraic Manipulation.” Artificial Intelligence 16(2): 189–212.
    van Harmelen, Frank and Bundy, Alan. 1988. Explanation-Based Generalisation=Partial Evaluation.” Artificial Intelligence 36(3): 401–412.
    Jamnik, Mateja, Bundy, Alan and Green, Ian. 1999. On Automating Diagrammatic Proofs of Arithmetic Arguments.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 8(3): 297–321.

Further References

    Aikin, Scott F., Harbour, Michael, Neufeld, Jonathan and Talisse, Robert B. 2011. On Epistemic Abstemiousness: A Reply to Bundy (2011).” Logos & Episteme 2(3): 425–428.