Gustavo Cevolani (cevolani)
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Cevolani, Gustavo. 2014a. “Truth Approximation, Belief Merging, and Peer
Disagreement.” Synthese 191(11): 2383–2401.
Cevolani, Gustavo. 2014b. “Strongly Semantic Information as Information About the
Truth.” in Recent Trends in
Philosophical Logic, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Heinrich Theodor Wansing, and Caroline Willkommen, pp. 59–74. Trends in Logic n. 41. New York: Springer.
Cevolani, Gustavo. 2015. “Social Epistemology, Debate Dynamics, and Truth
Approximation.” in Recent
Developments in the Philosophy of Science. EPSA13, Helsinki,
edited by Uskali Mäki, Ioannis Votsis, Stéphanie Ruphy, and Gerhard Schurz, pp. 57–70. European Studies in Philosophy of Science n. 1.
Dordrecht: Springer.
Cevolani, Gustavo. 2017. “Truthlikeness and the Problem of Measure
Sensitivity.” in EPSA 15 –
Selected Papers. The 5th Conference of the European Philosophy of
Science Association in Düsseldorf, edited by Michaela Massimi, Jan-Willem Romeijn, and Gerhard Schurz, pp. 257–272. European Studies in Philosophy of Science n. 5.
Cham: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53730-6.
Cevolani, Gustavo, Crupi, Vincenzo and Festa, Roberto. 2011. “Verisimilitude and Belief Change for Conjunctive
Theories.” Erkenntnis 75(2): 183–202.
Cevolani, Gustavo, Festa, Roberto and Kuipers, Theo A. F. 2013. “Verisimilitude and Belief Change for Nomic Conjunctive
Theories.” Synthese 190(16): 3307–3324.
Cevolani, Gustavo and Schurz, Gerhard. 2017. “Probability, Approximate Truth, and Truthlikeness: More
Ways out of the Preface Paradox.” Australasian Journal
of Philosophy 95(2): 209–225.
Cevolani, Gustavo and Tambolo, Luca. 2013a. “Progress as Approximation to the Truth: A Defence of the
Verisimilitudinarian Approach.” Erkenntnis 78(4):
Cevolani, Gustavo and Tambolo, Luca. 2013b. “Truth May Not Explain Predictive Success, but
Truthlikeness Does.” Studies in History and Philosophy
of Science 44(4): 590–593.
Oddie, Graham and Cevolani, Gustavo. 2022.
“Truthlikeness.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,