Gerhard Schurz (schurz-g)
My contributions to
Cevolani, Gustavo and Schurz, Gerhard. 2017. “Probability, Approximate Truth, and Truthlikeness: More
Ways out of the Preface Paradox.” Australasian Journal
of Philosophy 95(2): 209–225.
Christian, Alexander, Hommen, David, Retzlaff, Nina and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2018. Philosophy of Science. Between the Natural Sciences, the
Social Sciences, and the Humanities. European Studies in Philosophy of Science n. 9.
Dordrecht: Springer.
Fine, Kit and Schurz, Gerhard. 1996. “Transfer Theorems for Multimodal Logics.”
in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of
Arthur Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 169–213. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Kuipers, Theo A. F. and Schurz, Gerhard. 2011. “Introduction and Overview.”
Erkenntnis 75(2): 151–163.
Mäki, Uskali, Votsis, Ioannis, Ruphy, Stéphanie and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2015. Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science. EPSA13,
Helsinki. European Studies in
Philosophy of Science n. 1. Dordrecht: Springer.
Massimi, Michaela, Romeijn, Jan-Willem and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2017. EPSA 15 – Selected Papers. The 5th Conference of the
European Philosophy of Science Association in Düsseldorf. European Studies in Philosophy of Science n. 5.
Cham: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53730-6.
Prendinger, Helmut and Schurz, Gerhard. 1996. “Reasoning about Action and Change: A Dynamic Logic
Approach.” Journal of Logic, Language, and
Information 5(2): 209–245.
Reutlinger, Alexander, Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas. 2011.
“Ceteris Paribus Laws.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Reutlinger, Alexander, Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas. 2015.
“Ceteris Paribus Laws.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Reutlinger, Alexander, Schurz, Gerhard, Hüttemann, Andreas and Jaag, Siegfried. 2019. “Ceteris
Paribus Laws.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Reutlinger, Alexander, Schurz, Gerhard, Hüttemann, Andreas and Jaag, Siegfried. 2024. “Ceteris
Paribus Laws.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Schurz, Gerhard. 1982.
“Moderne Analytiker auf den Spuren der Metaphysik [review of
van Inwagen
(1980)].” Grazer Philosophische Studien
15: 201–222.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1983a.
“Goodman-Paradoxie, physikalische Symmetrie-Prinzipien und
linguistische Transformationen.” in Proceedings
of the 7th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Epistemology and
Philosophy of Science, edited by Paul Weingartner and Johannes Czermak, pp. 337–342. Schriftenreihe der
Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft
n. 9. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1983b. “Das
reduktive Relevanzkriterium von Stephan Körner und seine
wissenschaftstheoretischen Anwendungen.” Grazer
Philosophische Studien 20: 149–177.
“Beiträge zur Philosophie von Stephan
Körner,” ed. by Rudolf Haller.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1984. “Correct Explanatory Arguments and Understanding-Why. An
Approach to Scientific Understanding Based on
Knowledge-Dynamics.” Philosophia Naturalis
21(2–4): 321–338.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1986.
“Besprechung von Achinstein (1982).”
Grazer Philosophische Studien 29: 195–201.
Schurz, Gerhard, ed. 1988a.
Erklären und Verstehen in der
Wissenschaft. München: R. Oldenbourg Verlag.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1988b. “Das
VindizierungsArgument funktioniert doch! Eine Erwiderung auf Christian
Piller [on Piller
(1986)].” Grazer Philosophische Studien
32: 187–195. “On the Background of Contemporary
Philosophical Logic,” ed. by Risto Hilpinen.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1989. “Die
pragmatische Widerlegung des semantischen Realismus.” in
Traditionen und Perspektiven der analytischen
Philosophie. Festschrift für Rudolf Haller,
edited by Wolfgang L. Gombocz, Heiner
Rutte, and Werner Sauer. Wien:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1991a. “Relevant Deduction – from Solving Paradoxes Towards a
General Theory.” Erkenntnis 35: 391–437.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1991b. “How Far Can Hume’s Is-Ought Thesis Be
Generalized?” The Journal of Philosophical Logic
20(1): 37–95.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1991c. “Relevant Deductive Inference: Criteria and
Logics.” in Advances in
Scientific Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Paul Weingartner on the
Occasion of the 60\(^{th}\) Anniversary
of his Birthday, edited by Gerhard Schurz and Georg J. W. Dorn, pp. 57–86. Poznań Studies in the
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 24. Amsterdam:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994a. “Logical Truth: Comments on Etchemendy’s Critique of
Tarski.” in Sixty Years of
Tarski’s Definition of Truth. Proceedings of the Conference held in
Kraków, April, 9-10, 1993,
edited by B. Twardowski and Jan Woleński, pp. 78–95. Kraków:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994b. “Eine
logische Analyse des Sein-Sollen-Problems.” in
Analyomen 1: Proceedings of the 1st Conference
“Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy” ,
edited by Georg Meggle and Ulla Wessels, pp. 126–134. Perspektiven der
analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy
n. 1. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994c. “Admissible versus Valid Rules: A Case Study of the Modal
Fallacy.” The Monist 77(3): 376–388.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994d. “Defeasible Reasoning Based on Constructive and Cumulative
Rules.” in Proceedings of the
16th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Philosophy and the Cognitive
Sciences, edited by Roberto Casati, Barry Smith, and Graham White, pp. 297–310. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 21. Wien:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994e. “Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Changes of
Belief.” in Scientific and
Religious Belief, edited by Paul Weingartner, pp. 47–64. Philosophical
Studies Series n. 59. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Belief at the
Institut für Wissenschaftstheorie, Salzburg, 1991.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1994f. “Hume’s Is-Ought Thesis in Logics with Alethic-Deontic
Bridge Principles.” Logique et Analyse
37(147–148): 265–293.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1995a. “Ein
quantenmechanisches Argument für die Existenz konkreter
Universalien.” in Metaphysik. Neue
Zugänge zu alten Fragen, edited by Johannes L.
Brandl, Alexander Hieke, and Peter M. Simons, pp. 97–120.
Conceptus-Studien n. 11. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia
Verlag. Proceedings of the 3rd congress of the
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie,
Salzburg 1994.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1995b.
“Scientific Explanation: A Critical Survey.”
Foundations of Science 3(3): 429–465.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1995c.
“Grenzen rationaler Ethikbegründung. Das
Sein-Sollen-Problem aus moderner Sicht.” EuS 6:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1995d. “Theories and their Applications – A Case of Nonmonotonic
Reasoning.” in Theories and
Models in Scientific Processes. Proceedings of AFOS ’94 Workshop, August
15-26, Madralin and IUHPS ’94 Conference, August 27-29,
Warszawa, edited by William E. Herfel, Wladyslaw Krajewski, Ilkka Niiniluoto, and Ryszard Wojcicki, pp. 269–293. Poznań Studies in the
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 44. Amsterdam:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1996a. “Kinds of Unpredictability of Deterministic
Systems.” in Law and Prediction
in the Light of Chaos Research, edited by Gerhard Schurz and Paul Weingartner, pp. 123–141. Berlin: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1996b. “Die
Bedeutung des abduktiven Schliessens in Erkenntnis- und
Wissenschaftstheorie.” in Philosophie in
Österreich 1996, edited by Alfred Schramm. Wien:
Schurz, Gerhard. 1996c. “The Role of Negation in Nonmonotonic Logic and Defeasible
Reasoning.” in Negation: A Notion
in Focus, edited by Heinrich Theodor Wansing, pp. 197–232. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives
in Analytic Philosophy n. 7. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1997a. The Is-Ought Problem: An Investigation in Philosophical
Logic. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1997b. “Die
Goodman-Paradoxie: ein Invarianz- und Relevanzproblem.” in
Das weite Spektrum der analytischen Philosophie – Festschrift
für Franz von Kutschera, edited by Wolfgang
Lenzen, pp. 290–306. Perspektiven
der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic
Philosophy n. 14. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1997c. “Das
Problem der Induktion (I. Kap., Abschn. 1).” in
Popper: Logik der Forschung, edited by Herbert
Keuth, pp. 25–40. Klassiker
Auslegen n. 12. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Page references to
the fourth edition: Keuth
Schurz, Gerhard. 1997d.
“Unification and Understanding.” in
Analyomen 2. Volume I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of
Science, edited by Georg Meggle, pp. 481–494. Perspektiven der
analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy
n. 16. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1998. “Probabilistic Semantics for Delgrande’s Conditional Logic
and a Counterexample to His Default Logic.” Artificial
Intelligence 102(1): 81–95.
Schurz, Gerhard. 1999. “Tarski and Carnap on Logical Truth – or: What is Genuine
Logic?” in Alfred Tarski and the
Vienna Circle – Austro-Polish Connections in Logical
Empiricism, edited by Jan Woleński and Eckehart Köhler, pp. 77–93. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 6. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2001a. “Causal Asymmetry, Independent versus Dependent Variables,
and the Direction of Time.” in Current Issues in Causation, edited by
Wolfgang Spohn, Marion Ledwig, and Michael Esfeld, pp. 47–67. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2001b.
“Normische Gesetzeshypothesen und die
wissenschaftsphilosophische Bedeutung des nichtmonotonen
Schliessens.” Journal for General Philosophy of
Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie 32(1): 65–107.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2001c. “Kinds of Rationality and their Role in
Evolution.” in Proceedings of the
23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium: Rationality and
Irrationality, edited by Berit Brogaard and Barry Smith, pp. 301–310. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 29. Wien:
Schurz, Gerhard. 2001d.
“Rudolf Carnap’s Modal Logic.” in
Zwischen traditioneller und moderner Logik – Nichtklassische
Ansätze, edited by Werner Stelzner and Manfred Stöckler, pp. 365–380. Perspektiven der
analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy.
Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2002. “Alethic Modal Logics and Semantics.” in
A Companion to Philosophical Logic,
edited by Dale Jacquette, pp. 442–477.
Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470996751.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2004a. “Theoretical Commensurability by Correspondence Relations:
When Empirical Success Implies Theoretical Reference.” in
Quantifiers, Quesitons and Quantum
Physics. Essays on the Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka, edited
by Daniel Kolak and John Symons, pp. 101–126. Berlin: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2004b. “Normic Laws, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, and the Unity of
Science.” in Logic, Epistemology,
and the Unity of Science, volume 1, edited by Shahid Rahman, John Symons, Dov M. Gabbay, and Jean Paul van Bendegem, pp. 181–212. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2005a. “Logic, Matter of Form, and Closure under
Substitution.” in The Logica Yearbook
2004, edited by Marta Bı́lková
and Libor Běhounek, pp. 33–46. Praha:
Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického
ústavu AV ČR.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2005b. “Laws of Nature versus System Laws.” in
Nature’s Principles, edited by Jan
Faye, Paul Needham, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 255–268. Logic,
Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 4. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2005c. “Bayesian H-D Confirmation and Structuralistic
Truthlikeness: Discussion and Comparison with the Relevant-Element and
the Content-Part Approach.” in Confirmation, Empirical Progress, and Truth
Approximation, edited by Roberto Festa, Atocha Aliseda, and Jeanne Peijnenburg, pp. 141–159. Poznań Studies in the
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 83. Amsterdam:
Schurz, Gerhard. 2005d. “Semantic Holism and (Non-)Compositionality in Scientific
Theories.” in The
Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I: Foundational
Issues, edited by Markus Werning, Edouard Machery, and Gerhard Schurz, pp. 271–284. Linguistics and Philosophy n. 1. Heusenstamm
b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110323627.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2008. “Third-Person Internalism: A Critical Examination of
Externalism and a Foundation-Oriented Alternative.”
Acta Analytica 23(1): 9–28.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2009a. “Preservation of Empirical Success and Intertheoretical
Correspondence: Justifying Realism without the No Miracles
Argument.” in Proceedings of the
31st International Wittgenstein Symposium: Reduction – Abstraction –
Analysis, edited by Alexander Hieke and Hannes Leitgeb, pp. 15–28. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
(new series) n. 11. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2009b. “Meliorative Reliabilist Epistemology: Where Externalism
and Internalism Meet.” Grazer Philosophische
Studien 79: 41–62. “Reliable Knowledge and Social
Epistemology. Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Goldman and Replies by
Goldman,” ed. by Gerhard Schurz and Markus Werning.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2009c. “Meta-Induction and Social Epistemology: Computer
Simulations of Prediction Games.” Episteme 6(2):
Schurz, Gerhard. 2011a. “Verisimilitude and Belief Revision. With a Focus on the
Relevant Element Account.” Erkenntnis 75(2):
Schurz, Gerhard. 2011b. “Structural Correspondence, Indirect Reference, and
Partial Truth: Phlogiston Theory and Newtonian Mechanics.”
Synthese 180(2): 103–120.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2011c. “Structural Correspondence between Theories and
Convergence to Truth.” Synthese 179(2): 307–320.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2012a. “Tweety, or Why Probabilism and Even Bayesianism Need
Objective and Evidential Probabilities.” in Probabilities, Laws, and Structures, edited
by Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Michael Stöltzner, and Marcel Weber, pp. 57–74. The
Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective n. 3. Berlin:
Schurz, Gerhard. 2012b. “Meta-Induction in Epistemic Networks and the Social
Spread of Knowledge.” Episteme 9(2): 151–170.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2012c. “Prototypes and Their Composition from an Evolutionary
Point of View.” in The Oxford
Handbook of Compositionality, edited by Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen, and Edouard Machery, pp. 530–556. Oxford
Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2013a. Philosophy of Science. A Unified Approach.
London: Routledge.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2013b. “Meta-Induction and the Problem of Fundamental
Disagreement.” in Epistemology:
Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Proceedings of the 34th International
Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011, edited by
Christoph Jäger and Winfried Löffler, pp. 343–354. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
(new series) n. 19. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110329018.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2014a. “Criteria of Theoreticity: Bridging Statement and
Non-Statement View.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 8):
Schurz, Gerhard. 2014b. “Ceteris Paribus and Ceteris Rectis Laws: Content and
Causal Role.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 10):
Schurz, Gerhard. 2014c. “Bayesian Pseudo-Confirmation, Use-Novelty, and Genuine
Confirmation.” Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science 45: 87–96.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2014d. “Evolutionary Explanations and the Role of
Mechanisms.” in Explanation in
the Special Sciences. The Case of Biology and History,
edited by Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R.
Scholz, Daniel Plenge, and Andreas Hüttemann, pp. 155–172. Synthese
Library n. 367. Dordrecht: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2015a.
Wahrscheinlichkeit. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2015b. “Ostensive Learnability as a Test Criterion for
Theory-Neutral Observation Concepts.” Journal for
General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie 46(1): 139–153.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2017a. “Der
Schluss auf die beste Erklärung.” in
Handbuch Metaphysik, edited by Markus Schrenk. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Schurz, Gerhard. 2017b. “Truthlikeness and Approximate Truth.” in
The Routledge Handbook of Scientific
Realism, edited by Juha Saatsi, pp. 133–148. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9780203712498.
Schurz, Gerhard and Dorn, Georg J. W. 1988. “Why Popper’s Basic Statements Are Not Falsifiable. Some
Paradoxes in Popper’s ‘Logic of Scientific
Discovery’ .” Zeitschrift für
allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie / Journal for General Philosophy of
Science 19(1): 124–143.
Schurz, Gerhard and Dorn, Georg J. W., eds. 1991. Advances in Scientific Philosophy. Essays in Honour of
Paul Weingartner on the Occasion of the 60\(^{th}\) Anniversary of his
Birthday. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and
the Humanities n. 24. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Schurz, Gerhard and Gebharter, Alexander. 2016. “Causality as a Theoretical Concept: Explanatory Warrant
and Empirical Content of the Theory of Causal Nets.”
Synthese 193(4): 1073–1103.
Schurz, Gerhard and Lambert, Karel. 1994. “Outline of a Theory of Scientific
Understanding.” Synthese 101: 65–120.
Schurz, Gerhard and Ursic, Marko, eds. 1999. Beyond Classical Logic. Philosophical and Computational
Investigations in Deductive Reasoning and Relevance.
Conceptus-Studien n. 13. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia
Schurz, Gerhard and Votsis, Ioannis. 2011. “Editorial Introduction to Scientific Realism Quo Vadis?
Theories, Structures, Underdetermination and Reference.”
Synthese 180(2): 79–85.
Schurz, Gerhard and Votsis, Ioannis. 2014. “Reconstructing Scientific Theory Change by Means of
Frames.” in Frames and Concept
Types. Applications in Language and Philosophy, edited by
Thomas Gamerschlag, Doris Gerland, Ranier Osswald, and Petersen Wiebke, pp. 93–110. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 94.
Dordrecht: Springer.
Schurz, Gerhard and Weingartner, Paul. 1987. “Verisimilitude Defined by Relevant
Consequence-Elements.” in What is
Closer-to-the-Truth? A Parade of Approaches to
Truthlikeness, edited by Theo A. F. Kuipers, pp. 47–78. Poznań Studies in the
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 10. Amsterdam:
Schurz, Gerhard and Weingartner, Paul, eds. 1996. Law and Prediction in the Light of Chaos
Research. Berlin: Springer.
Sekatskaya, Maria and Schurz, Gerhard. 2021. “Alternative Possibilities and the Meaning of
‘Can’ .” Dialectica 75(3), doi:10.48106/dial.v75.i3.04.
Thorn, Paul D. and Schurz, Gerhard. 2012. “Meta-Induction and the Wisdom of Crowds.”
Analyse & Kritik 34(2): 339–365.
Unterhuber, Matthias and Schurz, Gerhard. 2013. “The New Tweety Puzzle: Arguments against Monistic
Bayesian Approaches in Epistemology and Cognitive
Science.” Synthese 190(8): 1407–1435.
Unterhuber, Matthias and Schurz, Gerhard. 2014. “Philosophy of Science in Germany, 1992-2012: Survey-Based
Overview and Quantitative Analysis.” Journal for
General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie 45(suppl.): 71–160.
Votsis, Ioannis and Schurz, Gerhard. 2012. “A Frame-Theoretic Analysis of Two Rival Conceptions of
Heat.” Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science 43(1): 105–114, doi:10.1016/j.shpsa.2011.10.010.
Weingartner, Paul and Schurz, Gerhard. 1986. “Paradoxes Solved by Simple Relevance
Criteria.” Logique et Analyse 29(113): 3–40.
Weingartner, Paul and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 1987a. Proceedings of the 11th International Wittgenstein
Symposium: Logic, Philosophy of Science, and Epistemology.
Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen
Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 13. Wien:
Weingartner, Paul and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 1987b. Reports of the 11th International Wittgenstein Symposium:
Recent Developments in Epistemology and Philosophy of
Science. Schriftenreihe der
Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft
n. 14. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Weingartner, Paul and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 1989a. Proceedings of the 13th International Wittgenstein
Symposium: Philosophy of the Natural Sciences. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 17. Wien:
Weingartner, Paul and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 1989b. Reports of the 13th International Wittgenstein Symposium:
Philosophy and Natural Science – Borderline Questions. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 18. Wien:
Weingartner, Paul, Schurz, Gerhard and Dorn, Georg J. W., eds. 1998. Proceedings of the 20th International Wittgenstein
Symposium: The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary
Philosophy. Schriftenreihe der
Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft
n. 26. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Werning, Markus, Machery, Edouard and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2005a. The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I:
Foundational Issues. Linguistics and
Philosophy n. 1. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110323627.
Werning, Markus, Machery, Edouard and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2005b. The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume II:
Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience.
Linguistics and Philosophy n. 2. Heusenstamm
b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110332865.
Werning, Markus, Machery, Edouard and Schurz, Gerhard. 2005c.
“Preface.” in The
Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I: Foundational
Issues, edited by Markus Werning, Edouard Machery, and Gerhard Schurz, pp. 7–22. Linguistics and Philosophy n. 1. Heusenstamm
b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110323627.
Further References
Achinstein, Peter. 1982. The Nature of Explanation. New York: Oxford
University Press.
van Inwagen, Peter, ed. 1980. Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard
Taylor. Philosophical Studies Series n. 19.
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-017-3528-5.
Piller, Christian. 1986. “Das
Vindizierungs-Argument – seine Wichtigkeit, seine Wirksamkeit, seine
Widerlegung.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 29: