Alan Code (code-a)
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Blackburn, Simon and Code, Alan. 1978. “The Power of Russell’s Criticism of Frege: ‘On Denoting’ pp. 48–50.” Analysis 38(2): 65–65.
Code, Alan. 1972b. “On the Application of Thomason’s Tense Logic to De Interpretatione 9.” Unpublished manuscript.
Code, Alan. 1976a. “Aristotle’s Response to Quine’s Objections to Modal Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 5(2): 159–186.
Code, Alan. 1976b. “The Persistence of Aristotelian Matter.” Philosophical Studies 29(6): 357–367.
Code, Alan. 1978a. “No Universal is a Substance: an Interpretation of Metaphysics Z 13, 1038b8-15.” Paideia (Brockport, N.Y.: State University College) 7: 65–74.
Code, Alan. 1978b. “What is it to be an Individual?” The Journal of Philosophy 75(11): 647–648.
Code, Alan. 1980. “Aristotle on the Sameness of Each Thing with Its Essence.” Unpublished manuscript.
Code, Alan. 1984. “The Aporematic Approach to Primary Being in Metaphysics Z.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14(suppl. 10): 1–20.
Code, Alan. 1985a. “On the Origin of some Aristotelian Theses about Predication.” in How Things Are. Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science, edited by James [Jim] Bogen and James E. McGuire, pp. 101–132. Philosophical Studies Series n. 29. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Code, Alan. 1985b. “On the Origin of some Aristotelian Theses about Predication: Appendix on ‘The Third Man Argument’ .” in How Things Are. Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science, edited by James [Jim] Bogen and James E. McGuire, pp. 323–326. Philosophical Studies Series n. 29. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Code, Alan. 1986. “Aristotle: Essence and Accident.” in Philosophical Grounds of Rationality: Intentions, Categories, Ends, edited by Richard E. Grandy and Richard Warner, pp. 410–439. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Code, Alan. 1987a. “Soul as Efficient Cause in Aristotle’s Embryology.” Philosophical Topics 15(2): 51–59.
Code, Alan. 1987b. “Metaphysics and Logic.” in Aristotle Today. Essays on Aristotle’s Ideal of Science, edited by Mohan Matthen, pp. 127–150. Edmonton, Queensland: Academic Printing & Publishing.
Code, Alan. 1988. “Reply to Frede (1988).” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume supplementary volume, edited by Julia Annas and Robert H. Grimm, pp. 53–60. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Code, Alan. 1991. “Aristotle, Searle, and the Mind-Body Problem.” in John Searle and His Critics, edited by Ernest LePore and Robert van Gulick, pp. 105–114. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Code, Alan. 1993. “Vlastos on a Metaphysical Paradox.” Apeiron 26(3–4): 85–98.
Code, Alan. 1995. “Potentiality in Aristotle’s Science and Metaphysics.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76(2–3): 405–418. Reprinted in Lewis and Bolton (1996, 217–230).
Code, Alan. 1997. “Aristotle’s Metaphysics as a Science of Principles.” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 51: 357–378.
Code, Alan. 2000. “Metaphysics \(\Lambda\) 5.” in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford, 1996, edited by Michael Frede and David Charles, pp. 161–180. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Code, Alan. 2003. “Changes, Powers, and Potentialities in Aristotle.” in Desire, Identity, and Existence: Essays in Honor of T.M. Penner, edited by Naomi Reshotko, pp. 251–271. Edmonton, Queensland: Academic Printing & Publishing.
Code, Alan. 2004. “On Generation and Corruption I.5.” in Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption, Book 1. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Deurne, 1999, edited by Frans A. J. De Haas and Jaap Mansfield, pp. 171–194. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Code, Alan. 2010a. “Aristotle on Plato on Weight.” in One Book, the Whole Universe: Plato’s Timaeus Today, edited by Richard D. Mohr and Barbara M. Sattler, pp. 201–211. Las Vegas, Nevada: Parmenides Publishing.
Code, Alan. 2010b. “An Aristotelian Puzzle About Definition: Metaphysics Z.12.” in Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf, edited by James G. Lennox and Robert Bolton, pp. 78–96. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Code, Alan. 2011. “Commentary on Devereux (2011).” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 26: 197–209.
Code, Alan. 2015. “The ‘Matter’ of Sleep.” in Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science, edited by David Ebrey, pp. 11–45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781107295155.
Code, Alan. 2018. “Physics I.6.” in Aristotle’s Physics Book I. A Systematic Exploration, edited by Diana Quarantotto, pp. 154–177. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108181853.
Code, Alan and Moravcsik, Julius M. E. 1992. “Explaining Various Forms of Living.” in Essays on Aristotle’s “De Anima” , edited by Martha Craven Nussbaum and Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 129–146. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/019823600X.001.0001.
Further References
Devereux, Daniel. 2011. “Aristotle on the Form and Definition of a Human Being: Definitions and Their Parts in Metaphysics Z.10 & 11.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 26: 167–196.
Frede, Michael. 1988. “Being and Becoming in Plato.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume supplementary volume, edited by Julia Annas and Robert H. Grimm, pp. 37–52. Oxford: Oxford University Press.