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Marshall Cohen (cohen-ma)

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Philosophic Exchange

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    Cohen, Marshall. 1965. Aesthetic Essence.” in Philosophy in America, edited by Max Black, pp. 115–133. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Cohen, Marshall. 1970a. Lear and Nature [on Weitz (1970)].” Philosophic Exchange 1: 83–86.
    Cohen, Marshall. 1970b. Civil Disobedience in a Constitutional Democracy.” Philosophic Exchange 1: 99–110.
    Cohen, Marshall, ed. 1983. Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld.

Further References

    Weitz, Morris. 1970. The Coinage of Man: King Lear and Camus’ Stranger.” Philosophic Exchange 1: 69–81.