Baoqui Cui (cui-b)
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Cui, Baoqui and Swift, Terrance. 2002. “Preference Logic Grammars: Fixed Point Semantics and Application to Data Standardization.” Artificial Intelligence 138(1–2): 117–147.
Cui, Baoqui, Swift, Terrance and Warren, David S. 1999. “A Case Study in Using Preference Logic Grammars for Knowledge Representation.” in Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, LPNMR ’99, El Paso, Texas, December 2–4, 1999, edited by Michael Gelfond, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer, pp. 206–220. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 1730. Berlin: Springer.