David S. Warren (warren-ds)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Apt, Krzysztof R., Marek, Wictor W., Truszczyński, Marek and Warren, David S., eds. 1999. The Logic Programming Paradigm: A Twenty-Five Year Perspective. Berlin: Springer.
Chen, W. and Warren, David S. 1993. “A Goal-Oriented Approach to Computing the Well-Founded Semantics.” Journal of Logic Programming 17: 279–300.
Cui, Baoqui, Swift, Terrance and Warren, David S. 1999. “A Case Study in Using Preference Logic Grammars for Knowledge Representation.” in Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, LPNMR ’99, El Paso, Texas, December 2–4, 1999, edited by Michael Gelfond, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer, pp. 206–220. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 1730. Berlin: Springer.
Friedman, Joyce, Moran, Douglas B. and Warren, David S. 1994. “Evaluating English Sentences in a Logical Model.” in Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: Essays in Honour of Don Walker, edited by Antonio Zampolli, Nicoletta Calzolari, and Martha S. Palmer, pp. 535–551. Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Friedman, Joyce and Warren, David S. 1978. “A Parsing Method for Montague Grammars.” Linguistics and Philosophy 2(3): 347–372.
Krishnaprasad, Thirunarayan, Kifer, Michael and Warren, David S. 1989. “On the Declarative Semantics of Inheritance Networks.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan, pp. 1098–1103. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Krishnaprasad, Thirunarayan and Warren, David S. 1989. “An Evidence-Based Framework for a Theory of Inheritance.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.