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Haskell Brooks Curry (curry-hb)

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    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1929. An Analysis of Logical Substitution.” American Journal of Mathematics 51: 363–384.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1930. Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik.” American Journal of Mathematics 52: 509–536, 789–834.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1939. Remarks on the Definition and Nature of Mathematics.” The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis) 9. This volume never appeared; preprinted for the members of the 5th International Congress for the Unity of Science, Cambridge, Mass.; published as Curry (1954).
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1941. A Formalization of Recursive Arithmetic.” American Journal of Mathematics 63: 263–282.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1950. A theory of formal deducibility. Notre Dame, Indiana: Edwards Brothers.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1951. Outlines of a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 3. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. With an appendix by Norman M. Martin.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1953a. Theory and Experience.” Dialectica 7(26): 176–178.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1953b. Les systèmes formels et les langues.”
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1954. Remarks on the Definition and Nature of Mathematics.” Dialectica 8(31): 228–233.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1958a. Calculuses and Formal Systems.” Dialectica 12(47–48): 249–273.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1958b. On Definitions in Formal Systems.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 1(3–4): 105–114.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1960a. The Deduction Theorem in the Combinatory Theory of Restricted Generality.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 3(9): 15–39.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1960b. The Inferential Approach to Logical Calculus (Part I).” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 3(11–12): 119–136.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1961a. The Inferential Approach to Logical Calculus (Part II).” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 4(13–14): 5–22.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1961b. Basic Verifiability in the Combinatory Theory of Restricted Generality.” in Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics. Dedicated to A.A. Fraenkel on his Seventieth Anniversary, edited by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Edward Poznański, Michael O. Rabin, and Abraham Robinson, pp. 165–189. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press. Second edition: Bar-Hillel et al. (1966).
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1961c. Some Logical Aspects of Grammatical Structure.” in Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects, edited by Roman Jakobson, pp. 56–68. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics n. 12. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1963. Foundations of Mathematical Logic. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1967. Combinatory Logic.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. Reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1968. The Purposes of Logical Formalization.” Logique et Analyse 11(43): 357–366.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1969. Modified Basic Functionality in Combinatory Logic.” Dialectica 23(2): 83–92.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks. 1980. Some Philosophical Aspects of Combinatory Logic.” in The Kleene Symposium, edited by Jon K. Barwise, Jerome H. Keisler, and Kenneth Kunen, pp. 85–101. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 101. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. Proceedings of the Symposium held June 18–24, 1978, at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks and Feys, Robert C. 1958. Combinatory Logic, volume I. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 22. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. With two sections by William Craig.
    Curry, Haskell Brooks, Hindley, J. Roger and Seldin, Jonathan P. 1972. Combinatory Logic. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 65. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.