Wayne A. Davis (davis-wa)
My contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Davis, Wayne A. 1981. “A Theory of Happiness.” American
Philosophical Quarterly 18: 111–120.
Davis, Wayne A. 1982a. “Weirich on Conditional and Expected
Utility.” The Journal of Philosophy 79(6):
Davis, Wayne A. 1982b. “A Causal Theory of Enjoyment.”
Mind 91: 240–256.
Davis, Wayne A. 1984. “A Causal Theory of Intending.” American
Philosophical Quarterly 21: 43–54.
Davis, Wayne A. 1986. “The Two Senses of Desire.” in The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical
Psychology on the Concept of Wanting, edited by Joel Marks, pp. 63–82. Chicago, Illinois: Precedent
Publishing Inc.
Davis, Wayne A. 1988. “Probabilistic Theories of Causation.” in
Probability and Causality. Essays in Honor of
Wesley C. Salmon, edited by James H. Fetzer, pp. 133–160. Synthese
Library n. 192. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Davis, Wayne A. 1992.
“Speaker Meaning.” Linguistics and
Philosophy 15(3): 223–253.
Davis, Wayne A. 1993. “Review of Eells (1991).” The
Philosophical Review 102(3): 410–412.
Davis, Wayne A. 1998. Implicature: Intention, Convention, and Principle in the
Failure of Gricean Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Davis, Wayne A. 2003a. Meaning, Expression and Thought. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Davis, Wayne A. 2003b. “Psychologism and Humeanism [on Dancy (2000)].”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(2): 452–459.
Davis, Wayne A. 2004. “Are
Knowledge Claims Indexical?” Erkenntnis 61(2–3):
257–281. Reprinted in Brendel and Jäger (2005,
Davis, Wayne A. 2005a. Nondescriptive Meaning and Reference. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199261652.001.0001.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005b.
“Implicature.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2005/entries/implicature/.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005c. “Concepts and Epistemic Individuation.”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70(2): 290–325.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005d. “Concept Individuation, Possession Conditions, and
Propositional Attitudes.” Noûs
39(1): 140–166.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005e. “Contextualist Theories of Knowledge.”
Acta Analytica 20(1): 29–42.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005f. “Reasons and Psychological Causes.”
Philosophical Studies 122(1): 51–101.
Davis, Wayne A. 2005g. “The Antecedent Motivation Theory [on Mele
(2003)].” Philosophical Studies 123(3):
Davis, Wayne A. 2007a. “Intentionalism, Descriptivism, and Proper
Names.” in John Searle’s
Philosophy of Language. Force, Meaning and Mind, edited by
Savas L. Tsohatzidis, pp. 102–124.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davis, Wayne A. 2007b. “Knowledge Claims and Context: Loose Use.”
Philosophical Studies 132(3): 395–438.
Davis, Wayne A. 2008a. “Thought Structure, Belief Content, and Possession
Conditions.” Acta Analytica 23(3): 207–231.
Davis, Wayne A. 2008b. “Précis of Davis
(2003a).” Philosophical Studies 137(3):
Davis, Wayne A. 2008c. “Replies to Green (2008), Szabó (2008), Jeshion (2008) and Siebel
(2008).” Philosophical Studies 137(3):
Davis, Wayne A. 2010a. “The Causal Theory of Action.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Action,
edited by Timothy O’Connor and
Constantine Sandis, pp. 32–39. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444323528.
Davis, Wayne A. 2010b.
“Implicature.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2010/entries/implicature/.
Davis, Wayne A. 2013a. “On
Nonindexical Contextualism.” Philosophical
Studies 163(2): 561–574.
Davis, Wayne A. 2013b. “Meaning, Expression, and Indication: Reply to Buchanan
(2012).” Thought 2(1): 62–66.
Davis, Wayne A. 2013c. “Context-Sensitivity without Indexicality?”
in Epistemology: Contexts, Values,
Disagreement. Proceedings of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein
Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011, edited by Christoph Jäger and Winfried Löffler, pp. 41–52. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
(new series) n. 19. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110329018.
Davis, Wayne A. 2014a.
“Minimizing Indexicality.” Philosophical
Studies 168(1): 1–20.
Davis, Wayne A. 2014b.
“Implicature.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2014/entries/implicature/.
Davis, Wayne A. 2014c. “On Occurrences of Types in Types.”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92(2): 349–363.
Davis, Wayne A. 2015a. “The Semantics of Actuality Terms: Indexical
vs. Descriptive Theories.” Noûs
49(3): 470–503.
Davis, Wayne A. 2015b. “Knowledge Claims and Context: Belief.”
Philosophical Studies 172(2): 399–432.
Davis, Wayne A. 2017a. “Berg’s Answer to Frege’s Puzzle.”
Philosophia 45(1): 19–34.
Davis, Wayne A. 2017b. “Loose Use and Belief Variation.” in
The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic
Contextualism, edited by Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa, pp. 218–229. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Davis, Wayne A. 2017c. “The Property Theory and De Se
Attitudes.” in Reference and
Representation in Thought and Language, edited by Marı́a
De Ponte Azcárate and Kepa Korta, pp. 195–223. Oxford: Oxford University
Davis, Wayne A. 2019a.
“Implicature.” Oxford Philosophy Handbooks
Online, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935314.013.21.
Davis, Wayne A. 2019b.
“Implicature.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2019/entries/implicature/.
Davis, Wayne A. 2024.
“Implicature.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2024/entries/implicature/.
Davis, Wayne A. and Jäger, Christoph. 2012. “Reliabilism and the Extra Value of
Knowledge.” Philosophical Studies 157(1): 93–105.
Further References
Brendel, Elke and Jäger, Christoph, eds. 2005. Contextualisms in Epistemology. Dordrecht:
Buchanan, Ray. 2012. “Meaning, Expression, and Evidence.”
Thought 1(2): 152–157.
Dancy, Jonathan. 2000.
Practical Reality. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/0199253056.001.0001.
Eells, Ellery. 1991.
Probabilistic Causality. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Green, Mitchell S. 2008. “Expression, Indication and Showing What’s Within [on
(2003a)].” Philosophical Studies 137(3):
Jeshion, Robin. 2008. “Thoughts and Ideas [on Davis (2003a)].”
Philosophical Studies 137(3): 409–415.
Mele, Alfred R. 2003. Motivation and Agency. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/019515617X.001.0001.
Siebel, Mark. 2008. “The Ontology of Meanings [on Davis (2003a)].”
Philosophical Studies 137(3): 417–426.
Szabó, Zoltán Gendler. 2008. “Structure and Conventions [on Davis (2003a)].”
Philosophical Studies 137(3): 399–408.