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Anuj Dawar (dawar)

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    Dawar, Anuj. 2008. Computational Complexity and the Expressive Power of Logics.” in Logic, Navya-Nyāya & Applications. Hommage to Bimal Krishna Matilal, edited by Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Benedikt Löwe, Madhabendra Nath Mitra, and Sundar Surakkai, pp. 81–104. Studies in Logic n. 15. London: College Publications.
    Dawar, Anuj, Grädel, Erich and Kreutzer, Stephen. n.d. Inflationary Fixed Points in Modal Logic.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Dawar, Anuj and Gurevich, Yuri. 2002. Fixed Point Logics.” The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8(1): 65–88.