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Daniel Deasy (deasy)

Mentioned on the following portal pages

Time and Contradiction

Cited in the following articles

The Personalized A-Theory of Time and Perspective

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    Deasy, Daniel. 2014. Permanents: In Defence of the Moving Spotlight Theory.” DPhil dissertation, Oxford: Philosophy Department.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2015. The Moving Spotlight Theory.” Philosophical Studies 172(8): 2073–2089.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2017. What is Presentism? Noûs 51(2): 378–397, doi:10.1111/nous.12109.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2018a. Philosophical Arguments Against the A-Theory.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99(2): 270–292.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2018b. Skow on Robust Passage and the Moving Spotlight Theory [on Skow (2015)].” Philosophical Studies 175(7): 1791–1805.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2019. The Triviality Argument Against Presentism.” Synthese 196(8): 3369–3388.
    Deasy, Daniel. 2020. Advanced Temporalizing.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume XII, edited by Karen Bennett and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 262–311. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192893314.001.0001.

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