Bradford Skow (skow)
Cited in the following articles
Grounding Ground and the (In-)Escapable Ill-Foundedness of the Inclusive `Explains', When is Jealousy Appropriate?, Spacetime Functionalism, The Personalized A-Theory of Time and PerspectiveContributions to
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Feldman, Fred and Skow, Bradford. 2015. “Desert.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Feldman, Fred and Skow, Bradford. 2020. “Desert.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Skow, Bradford. 2007a. “Are Shapes Intrinsic?” Philosophical Studies 133(1): 111–130.
Skow, Bradford. 2007b. “What Makes Time Different from Space?” Noûs 41(2): 227–252, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0068.2007.00645.x.
Skow, Bradford. 2007c. “Earman and Roberts on Empiricism about Laws.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75(1): 158–162.
Skow, Bradford. 2008a. “Haecceitism, Anti-Haecceitism and Possible Worlds.” The Philosophical Quarterly 58(230): 98–107.
Skow, Bradford. 2009. “Relativity and the Moving Spotlight.” The Journal of Philosophy 106(12): 666–678, doi:10.5840/jphil20091061224.
Skow, Bradford. 2010a. “Deep Metaphysical Indeterminacy.” The Philosophical Quarterly 60(241): 851–858.
Skow, Bradford. 2010b. “Extrinsic Temporal Metrics.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume V, edited by Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 179–202. New York: Oxford University Press.
Skow, Bradford. 2011a. “On the Meaning of the Question ‘How Fast Does Time Pass?’ .” Philosophical Studies 155(3): 325–344, doi:10.1007/s11098-010-9575-3.
Skow, Bradford. 2011b. “Experience and the Passage of Time.” in Philosophical Perspectives 25: Metaphysics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 359–387. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Skow, Bradford. 2011c. “More on Haecceitism and Possible Worlds.” Analytic Philosophy 52(4): 267–269.
Skow, Bradford. 2012a. “A Solution to the Problem of Indeterminate Desert.” Mind 121(481): 37–65.
Skow, Bradford. 2012b. “Why does Time Pass?” Noûs 46(2): 223–242, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0068.2010.00784.x.
Skow, Bradford. 2012c. “How to Adjust Utility for Desert.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90(2): 235–257.
Skow, Bradford. 2012d. “ ‘One Second Per Second’ .” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85: 377–389.
Skow, Bradford. 2014. “The Role of Chance in Explanation.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92(1): 103–123.
Skow, Bradford. 2015. Objective Becoming. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198713272.001.0001.
Skow, Bradford. 2016. Reasons Why. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198785842.001.0001.
Skow, Bradford. 2017a. “The Metaphysics of Quantities and Their Dimensions.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume X, edited by Karen Bennett and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 171–199. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198791973.001.0001.
Skow, Bradford. 2017b. “Some Questions about The Moving Spotlight [on Cameron (2015)].” Analysis 77(4): 800–810.
Skow, Bradford. 2018a. Causation, Explanation, and the Metaphysics of Aspect. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198826965.001.0001.
Skow, Bradford. 2018b. “Summary [of Skow (2015)].” Analysis 78(1): 93–96.
Skow, Bradford. 2018c. “Replies to Cameron (2018), Wilson (2018) and Leininger (2018).” Analysis 78(1): 128–138.
Skow, Bradford. 2018d. “Against Understanding (as a Condition on Explanation).” in Making Sense of the World. New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, pp. 209–231. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190469863.001.0001.
Skow, Bradford. 2018e. “Précis of Skow (2015).” Philosophical Studies 175(7): 1787–1789.
Skow, Bradford. 2018f. “Replies to Deasy (2018) and Maudlin (2018) [on Skow (2015)].” Philosophical Studies 175(7): 1815–1823.
Skow, Bradford. 2023. “Two Concepts of Double Prevention.” Ergo 9(31): 805–820, doi:10.3998/ergo.2620.
Further References
Cameron, Ross P. 2015. The Moving Spotlight. An Essay on Time and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198713296.001.0001.
Cameron, Ross P. 2018. “Skow, Objective Becoming and the Moving Spotlight [on Skow (2015)].” Analysis 78(1): 97–108.
Deasy, Daniel. 2018. “Skow on Robust Passage and the Moving Spotlight Theory [on Skow (2015)].” Philosophical Studies 175(7): 1791–1805.
Leininger, Lisa. 2018. “Objective Becoming: In Search of A-Ness [on Skow (2015)].” Analysis 78(1): 108–117.
Maudlin, Tim. 2018. “Robust versus Anemic: Comments on Skow (2015).” Philosophical Studies 175(7): 1807–1814.
Wilson, Alastair. 2018. “Grounding Entails Counterpossible Non-Triviality.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96(3): 716–728.