Paul Elbourne (elbourne)
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Avner Baz's Ordinary Language Challenge to the Philosophical Method of CasesContributions to
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Elbourne, Paul. 2008a. “The Argument from Binding.” in Philosophical Perspectives 22: Philosophy of Language, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 89–110. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Elbourne, Paul. 2008b. “Demonstratives as Individual Concepts.” Linguistics and Philosophy 31(4): 409–466.
Elbourne, Paul. 2010a. “Why Propositions Might be Sets of Truth-supporting Circumstances.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 39(1): 101–111.
Elbourne, Paul. 2010b. “On Bishop Sentences.” Natural Language Semantics 18(1): 65–78.
Elbourne, Paul. 2010c. “The Existence Entailments of Definite Descriptions.” Linguistics and Philosophy 33(1): 1–10.
Elbourne, Paul. 2011. Meaning: A Slim Guide to Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Elbourne, Paul. 2013. Definite Descriptions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.