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Christiane Fellbaum (fellbaum)

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    Bennett, Brandon and Fellbaum, Christiane, eds. 2006. Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (FOIS2006). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
    Fellbaum, Christiane, ed. 1989. WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Fellbaum, Christiane. 1998. Towards a Representation of Idioms in WordNet.” in Use of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems: Proceedings of the Conference, edited by Sandra M. Harabagiu, pp. 52–57. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Fellbaum, Christiane. 2011. Idioms and Collocations.” in Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Volume 1, edited by Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger, and Paul H. Portner, pp. 441–455. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science n. 33.1. Berlin: de Gruyter Monton, doi:10.1515/9783110226614.
    Miller, George A., Beckwith, Richard, Fellbaum, Christiane, Gross, Derek and Miller, Katherine. 1990. Five Papers on WordNet.” csl 43. Princeton, New Jersey: Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University.
    Miller, George A. and Fellbaum, Christiane. 1992. Semantic Networks of English.” in Lexical and Conceptual Semantics, edited by Beth C. Levin and Steven Pinker, pp. 197–229. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.