Kenneth D. Forbus (forbus)
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Bredeweg, Bert and Forbus, Kenneth D. 2003. “Qualitative Modeling in Education.” The AI Magazine 24(4): 35–46.
Collins, John W. and Forbus, Kenneth D. 1987. “Reasoning about Fluids via Molecular Collections.” in AAAI-87. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kenneth D. Forbus and Howard E. Shrobe. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Reprinted in Weld and de Kleer (1990, 503–507).
Etherington, David W., Forbus, Kenneth D., Ginsberg, Matthew L., Israel, David J. and Lifschitz, Vladimir. 1989. “Critical Issues in Nonmonotonic Reasoning.” in KR’89: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque, and Raymond Reiter, pp. 500–504. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Falkenhainer, Brian and Forbus, Kenneth D. 1988. “Setting Up Large Scale Qualitative Models.” in AAAI-88. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Tom M. Mitchell and Reid G. Smith, pp. 301–306. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Reprinted in Weld and de Kleer (1990).
Falkenhainer, Brian and Forbus, Kenneth D. 1991. “Compositional Modeling: Finding the Right Model for the Job.” Artificial Intelligence 51(1–3): 95–143.
Falkenhainer, Brian, Forbus, Kenneth D. and Gentner, Dedre. 1989. “The Structure-Mapping Engine: Algorithm and Examples.” Artificial Intelligence 41(1): 1–63.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1984. “Qualitative Process Theory.” Artificial Intelligence 24(1–3): 85–168.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1985. “The Problem of Existence.” uiucdcs–r–85–1239. Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1987. “Interpreting Observations of Physical Systems.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 13: 350–359. Reprinted in Weld and de Kleer (1990).
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1988a. “Qualitative Physics: Past, Present, and Future.” in Exploring Artificial Intelligence, edited by Howard E. Shrobe, pp. 239–296. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1988b. “The Qualitative Process Engine.” Unpublished manuscript, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1989. “Introducing Actions Into Qualitative Simulation.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan, pp. 1273–1278. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1993. “Qualitative Process Theory: Twelve Years After.” Artificial Intelligence 59(1–2): 115–123.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1995. “Qualitative Spatial Reasoning: Framework and Frontiers.” in Diagrammatic Reasoning, edited by Janice Glasgow, N. Hari Narayanan, and B. Chandrasekaran, pp. 183–202. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Forbus, Kenneth D. 1998. “Causal Reasoning in Common Sense Physics – Global Theories or Local Bootstraps?” in AAAI-98. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Prospects for a Commonsense Theory of Causation, edited by Charles L. Ortiz Jr., pp. 12. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Abstract.
Forbus, Kenneth D. and Hinrichs, Thomas R. 2006. “Companion Cognitive Systems: A Step toward Human-Level AI.” The AI Magazine 27(2): 83–95.
Forbus, Kenneth D., Nielson, Paul and Faltings, Boi. 1987. “Qualitative Kinematics: A Framework.” in IJCAI-87. Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by John McDermott, pp. 430–436. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Reprinted in Weld and de Kleer (1990).
Forbus, Kenneth D., Nielson, Paul and Faltings, Boi. 1991. “Qualitative Spatial Reasoning: The Clock Project.” Artificial Intelligence 51(1–3): 417–471.
Further References
Weld, Daniel S. and de Kleer, Johan, eds. 1990. Readings in Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.