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Carlos Fraenkel (fraenkel-c)

Carlos Fraenkel, Jahrgang 1971, wuchs in Deutschland und Brasilien auf. Er ist Philosoph und lehrt heute an der McGill University in Montreal. Er war als Gastprofessor u.a. in Princeton, Jerusalem, Paris und München. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Mit Platon in Palästina. Vom Nutzen der Philosophie in einer zerrissenen Welt (Hanser, 2016).


    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2006. Maimonides’ God and Spinoza’s Deus sive Natura.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 44(2): 169–215.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2009a. Maimonides and Spinoza as Sources for Maimon’s Solution of the ‘Problem quid juris in Kant’s Theory of Knowledge.” Kant-Studien 100(2): 212–240.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2009b. God’s Existence and Attributes.” in The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy. From Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century, edited by Steven M. Nadler and Tamar M. Rudavsky, pp. 561–598. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2011a. Der Status der Theologie: Von der Magd der Philosophie zu einer unabhängigen Disziplin im Renaissance-Averroismus und bei Spinoza.” in Departure for Modern Europe: A Handbook of Early Modern Philosophy (1400–1700), edited by Hubertus Busche, pp. 564–576. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. In collaboration with Stefan Hessbrüggen-Walter.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2011b. Spinoza on Philosophy and Religion: The Averroistic Sources.” in The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation, edited by Carlos Fraenkel, Dario Perinetti, and Justin Smith-Ruiu, pp. 27–44. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 65. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2013. Reconsidering the Case of Elijah Delmedigo’s Averroism and Its Impact on Spinoza.” in Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, edited by Anna Akasoy and Guido Giglioni, pp. 213–236. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idées n. 211. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2017. Streit. Der Weg zwischen Krieg und Frieden.”, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
    Fraenkel, Carlos. 2018. Spinoza’s Philosophy of Religion.” in The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza, edited by Michael Della Rocca, pp. 377–407. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Fraenkel, Carlos, Perinetti, Dario and Smith-Ruiu, Justin, eds. 2011a. The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 65. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fraenkel, Carlos, Perinetti, Dario and Smith-Ruiu, Justin. 2011b. Introduction.” in The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation, edited by Carlos Fraenkel, Dario Perinetti, and Justin Smith-Ruiu, pp. 1–12. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 65. Dordrecht: Springer.