James Franklin (franklin-ja)
My contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Campbell, Keith, Franklin, James and Ehring, Douglas. 2013. “Donald Cary
Williams.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Campbell, Keith, Franklin, James and Ehring, Douglas. 2015. “Donald Cary
Williams.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Campbell, Keith, Franklin, James and Ehring, Douglas. 2019. “Donald Cary
Williams.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Campbell, Keith, Franklin, James and Ehring, Douglas. 2023. “Donald Cary
Williams.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Franklin, James. 1986. “Are Dispositions Reducible to Categorical
Properties?” The Philosophical Quarterly 36(142):
Franklin, James. 1988. “Reply to Armstrong (1988) on
Dispositions.” The Philosophical Quarterly
38(150): 86–87.
Franklin, James. 1991. “The Ancient Legal Sources of Seventeenth-Century
Probability.” in The Uses of
Antiquity. The Scientific Revolution and the Classical
Tradition, edited by Stephen Gaukroger, pp. 123–144. Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science n. 10. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Franklin, James. 1994. “Achievements and Fallacies in Hume’s Account of Infinite
Divisibility.” Hume Studies 20(1): 85–101.
Franklin, James. 1998. “Two Caricatures, I: Pascal’s Wager.”
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 44(2):
Franklin, James. 1999a. “Structure and Domain-Independence in the Formal Sciences
[reply to Laplante
(1999)].” Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science 30(4): 721–723.
Franklin, James. 1999b. “Diagrammatic Reasoning and Modelling in the Imagination:
The Secret Weapons of the Scientific Revolution.” in
1543 and All That. Image and Word, Change and
Continuity in the Proto-Scientific Revolution, edited by Guy
Freeland and Anthony Corones, pp. 53–116. Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science n. 13. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Franklin, James. 2002. “Two Caricatures, II: Leibniz’s Best World.”
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 52(1): 45–56.
Franklin, James. 2003. Corrupting the Youth: A History of Philosophy in
Australia. Sydney: Macleay Press.
Franklin, James. 2006. “Artifice and the Natural World: Mathematics, Logic,
Technology.” in The Cambridge
History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, edited by Knud
Haakonssen, pp. 815–853. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Franklin, James. 2009a. “Evidence Gained from Torture: Wishful Thinking,
Checkability, and Extreme Circumstances.” Cardozo
Journal of International and Comparative Law 17: 281–290.
Franklin, James. 2009b.
“Aristotelian Realism.” in Philosophy of Mathematics, edited by Andrew
David Irvine, pp. 103–156. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 4.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Franklin, James. 2014a. An Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of
Mathematics. Mathematics as the Science of Quantity and
Structure. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Franklin, James. 2014b. “Quantity and Number.” in Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives in Metaphysics,
edited by Daniel D. Novotný and Lukáš
Novák, pp. 221–245. Routledge Studies in Metaphysics n. 8. London:
Franklin, James. 2016. “Pre-History of Probability.” in The Oxford Handbook of Probability and
Philosophy, edited by Alan Hájek and Christopher R. Hitchcock, pp. 33–49. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.001.0001.
Franklin, James. 2018. “Review of Calemi (2016).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(1): 183–186.
Legg, Catherine and Franklin, James. 2017. “Perceiving
Necessity.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
98(3): 320–343, doi:10.1111/papq.12133.
Newstead, Anne G. J. and Franklin, James. 2012. “Indispensability without Platonism.” in
Properties, Powers and Structures. Issues in
the Metaphysics of Realism, edited by Alexander Bird, Brian Ellis, and Howard Sankey, pp. 81–98. Routledge Studies in Metaphysics n. 5. New York:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9780203124482.
Further References
Armstrong, David M. 1988. “Are Dispositions Ultimate? Reply to Franklin
(1986).” The Philosophical Quarterly
38(150): 84–86.
Calemi, Francesco Federico, ed. 2016.
Metaphysics and Scientific Realism. Essays in
Honor of David Malet Armstrong. EIDE –
Foundations of Ontology n. 9. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110455915.
Laplante, Kevin de. 1999. “Certainty and Domain-Independence in the Sciences of
Complexity: a Critique of James Franklin’s Account of Formal
Science.” Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science 30(4): 699–720.