Nancy Fraser (fraser-na)
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Fraser, Nancy. 1985a. “What’s Critical about Critical Theory: The Case of Habermas and Gender.” New German Critique 35: 97–131. Reprinted in Lyndon Shanley and Pateman (1991, 253–276).
Fraser, Nancy. 1985b. “Michel Foucault: A ‘Young Conservative’?” Ethics 96(1): 165–184. Reprinted in Hekman (1996, 15–38).
Fraser, Nancy. 1989. Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Fraser, Nancy. 1991a. “The Force of Law: Metaphysical or Political?” Cardozo Law Review 13(4): 1325–1332. Reprinted in Holland (1997, 157–164).
Fraser, Nancy. 1991b. “From Irony to Prophecy to Politics: A Reply to Richard Rorty [on Rorty (1991)].” Michigan Quarterly Review 30(2): 259–266. Reprinted in Janack (2010, 47–54).
Fraser, Nancy. 1998. “Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation.” in The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, volume 19, edited by Grethe B. Peterson. vol. 19. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press.
Fraser, Nancy. 2005. Qu’est-ce que la justice sociale ? : reconnaissance et redistribution. Paris: La Découverte.
Fraser, Nancy and Honneth, Axel. 2003a. Umverteilung oder Anerkennung? Eine politisch-philosophische Kontroverse. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag. Übersetzung der englischen Originaltexte von Nancy Fraser durch Burkhardt Wolf.
Further References
Hekman, Susan, ed. 1996. Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault. Rereading the Canon. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Holland, Nancy J., ed. 1997. Feminist Interpretations of Jacques Derrida. Rereading the Canon. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Janack, Marianne, ed. 2010. Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Rereading the Canon. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Lyndon Shanley, Mary and Pateman, Carole, eds. 1991. Feminist Interpretations and Political Theory. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Rorty, Richard M. 1991. “Feminism and Pragmatism.” Michigan Quarterly Review 30(2): 231–258. Reprinted in Janack (2010, 19–46).