Aldo Frigerio (frigerio-a)
Mentioned on the following portal pages
Articles of Dialectica, Avoid Avoiding the Wishful Thinking Problem, Whittle vs. Cantor on the Size of Infinite Sets, Functionalism, Pluralities, and Groups, Causal Inference from Big Data?, Review of Schofield (2021), Review of Lepine (2023), Review of Landgrebe / Smith (2021)Cited in the following articles
Retro-Closure Principle and OmniscienceContributions to
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2013. “God, Evil, and Alvin Plantinga on the Free-Will Defence.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5(3): 75–94.
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2015b. “In Defense of the Timeless Solution to the Problem of Human Free Will and Divine Foreknowledge.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78(1): 5–28.
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2018. “Two Kinds of Soft Facts.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 95(1): 34–53, doi:10.1163/18756735-000031.
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2019. Divine Omniscience and Human Free Will. A Logical and Metaphysical Analysis. London: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-31300-5.
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2020. “The Thin Red Line, Molinism, and the Flow of Time.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 29(3): 307–329, doi:10.1007/s10849-019-09304-4.
de Florio, Ciro and Frigerio, Aldo. 2023. “Retro-Closure Principle and Omniscience.” Dialectica 77(3), doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i3.05.
Frigerio, Aldo. 2010. L’unità dell’enunciato. Indeterminismo semantico e determinazioni pragmatiche. Filosofie Analtiche – Metafisica. Milano: Mimesis Edizioni.