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Ian P. Gent (gent-ip)

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    Gent, Ian P., Stergiou, Kostas and Walsh, Toby. 2000. Decomposable Constraints.” Artificial Intelligence 123(1–2): 133–156.
    Gent, Ian P. and Walsh, Toby. 1994. Easy Problems are sometimes hard.” Artificial Intelligence 70(1–2): 335–345.
    Gent, Ian P. and Walsh, Toby. 1996a. The Satisfiability Constraint Gap.” Artificial Intelligence 81(1–2): 59–80.
    Gent, Ian P. and Walsh, Toby. 1996b. The TSP Phase Transition.” Artificial Intelligence 88(1–2): 349–358.
    Gent, Ian P. and Walsh, Toby. 1999. Review of Cohen (1995).” Artificial Intelligence 113(1–2): 285–290.

Further References

    Cohen, Paul R. 1995. Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.