Raoul Gervais (gervais-r)
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Gervais, Raoul. 2014. “A Framework for Inter-Level Explanations: Outlines for a New Explanatory Pluralism.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 48: 1–9.
Gervais, Raoul. 2015. “Mechanistic and Non-Mechanistic Varieties of Dynamical Models in Cognitive Science: Explanatory Power, Understanding, and the ‘Mere Description’ Worry.” Synthese 192(1): 43–66.
Gervais, Raoul and Weber, Erik. 2015. “The Role of Orientation Experiments in Discovering Mechanisms.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 54: 46–55.
Weber, Erik, Gervais, Raoul and Van Bouwel, Jeroen. 2015. “The ‘Green Cheese’ and ‘Red Herring’ Problems Reconsidered.” Logique et Analyse 58(231): 433–455.