James J. Gibson (gibson-jj)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Gibson, James J. 1896. “Locke’s Theory of Mathematical Knowledge and of a Possible Science of Ethics.” Mind 5(17): 38–59.
Gibson, James J. 1937. “Adaptation with Negative After-Effect.” Psychological Review 44: 222–244.
Gibson, James J. 1950a. The Perception of the Visual World. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Gibson, James J. 1950b. “The Perception of Visual Surfaces.” American Journal of Psychology 63(3): 367–384, doi:10.2307/1418003.
Gibson, James J. 1954. “The Visual Perception of Objective Motion and Subjective Movement.” Psychological Review 61: 304–314.
Gibson, James J. 1960. “The Concept of the Stimulus in Psychology.” American Psychologist 15: 694–703.
Gibson, James J. 1962. “Observations on Active Touch.” Psychological Review 69(6): 477–490.
Gibson, James J. 1966. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Gibson, James J. 1967a. “On the Proper Meaning of the Term ‘Stimulus’ .” Psychological Review 74(6): 533–534.
Gibson, James J. 1967b. “New Reasons for Realism.” Synthese 17(1): 162–172.
Gibson, James J. 1968. “What Gives Rise to the Perception of Motion?” Psychological Review 75(4): 335–346.
Gibson, James J. 1972. “A Theory of Direct Perception.” in The Psychology of Knowing, edited by Joseph R. Royce and William W. Rozeboom, pp. 215–240. New York: Gordon & Breach.
Gibson, James J. 1973a. Die Wahrnehmung der visuellen Welt. Weinheim: Beltz.
Gibson, James J. 1973b. Die Sinne und der Prozess der Wahrnehmung. Bern: Hans Huber.
Gibson, James J. 1975. “Events are Perceivable But Time Is Not.” in The Study of Time II. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for Study of Time, Lake Yamanaka – Japan, edited by Julius Thomas Fraser and Nathaniel Lawrence, pp. 295–301. New York: Springer.
Gibson, James J. 1979. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. 1st ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co. Second edition: Gibson (1986).
Gibson, James J. 1986. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. 2nd ed. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. First edition: Gibson (1979), doi:10.4324/9781315740218.
Gibson, James J. 2015. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Classic Editions. Hove, England: Psychology Press. Republication of Gibson (1986).