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Dale V. Gottlieb (gottlieb-dv)

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    Cummins, Robert and Gottlieb, Dale V. 1972. On an Argument for Truth-Functionality.” American Philosophical Quarterly 9(3): 265–269.
    Cummins, Robert and Gottlieb, Dale V. 1976. Better Total Consequences: Utilitarianism and Extrinsic Value.” Metaphilosophy 7(3–4): 286–306.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. 1975. Rationality and the Theory of Projection.” Noûs 9(3): 319–328.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. 1976. A Method for Ontology, with Application to Numbers and Events.” The Journal of Philosophy 73(18): 637–651.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. 1978a. The Truth about Arithmetic.” American Philosophical Quarterly 15(2): 81–90.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. 1978b. No Entity Without Identity.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9(2): 79–96. Reprinted in Shahan and Swoyer (1979, 79–96).
    Gottlieb, Dale V. 1980. Ontological Economy: Substitutional Quantification and Mathematics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. and Davis, Lawrence H. 1974. Extensionality and Singular Causal Sentences.” Philosophical Studies 25: 69–72.
    Gottlieb, Dale V. and McCarthy, Timothy G. 1979. Substitutional Quantification and Set Theory.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 8(3): 315–331.

Further References

    Shahan, Robert W. and Swoyer, Chris, eds. 1979. Essays on the Philosophy of W. V. Quine. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.