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David E. Heckerman (heckerman)

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    Geiger, Dan and Heckerman, David E. 1996. Knowledge Representation and Inference in Similarity Networks and Bayesian Multinets.” Artificial Intelligence 82(1–2): 45–74.
    Heckerman, David E. and Mamdani, A., eds. 1993. UAI-93. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Heckerman, David E. and Shachter, Ross D. 1995. Decision-Theoretic Foundations for Causal Reasoning.” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 3: 405–430.
    Horvitz, Eric J., Cooper, Gregory F. and Heckerman, David E. 1988. Reflection and Action under Scarce Resources: Theoretical Principles and Empirical Study.” ksl–89–1. Stanford, California: Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University.
    Horvitz, Eric J., Heckerman, David E., Ng, Keung C. and Nathwani, Bharat N. 1989. Heuristic Abstraction in the Decision-Theoretic Pathfinder System.” ksl–89–24. Stanford, California: Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University.
    Shachter, Ross D. and Heckerman, David E. 2010. Pearl Causality and the Value of Control.” in Heuristics, Probability and Causality. A Tribute to Judea Pearl, edited by Rina Dechter, Héctor Geffner, and Joseph Y. Halpern, pp. 445–462. Tributes n. 11. London: King’s College Publications.