Carl Hoefer (hoefer-c)
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, First Barcelona-Geneva Workshop in Philosophy & Metaphysics of ScienceContributi a
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Callender, Craig and Hoefer, Carl. 2002. “Philosophy of Space-Time Physics.” in The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science, edited by Peter K. Machamer and Michael Silberstein, pp. 173–198. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756614.
Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, Carl. 2010. “Determinism and Chance from a Humean Perspective.” in The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 351–371. The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective n. 1. Berlin: Springer.
Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, Carl. 2015. “The Best Humean System for Statistical Mechanics.” Erkenntnis 80(suppl., 3): 551–574.
Hartmann, Stephan, Hoefer, Carl and Bovens, Luc, eds. 2008. Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 3. London: Routledge.
Hoefer, Carl. 1996. “The Metaphysics of Spacetime Substantivalism.” The Journal of Philosophy 93: 5–27.
Hoefer, Carl. 1997. “On Lewis’s Objective Chance: ‘Humean Supervenience Debugged’ [on Lewis (1994)].” Mind 106(422): 321–334.
Hoefer, Carl. 2000. “Energy Conservation in GTR.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31(2): 187–199.
Hoefer, Carl. 2002. “Freedom from the Inside Out.” in Time, Reality and Experience, edited by Craig Callender, pp. 201–222. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoefer, Carl. 2003. “Causal Determinism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hoefer, Carl. 2005a. “Chance.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoefer, Carl. 2005b. “Conventionalism.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoefer, Carl. 2005c. “Hole Argument.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoefer, Carl. 2007. “The Third Way on Objective Probability: A Sceptic’s Guide to Objective Chance.” Mind 116(463): 549–596.
Hoefer, Carl. 2008a. “Introducing Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science.” in Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science, edited by Stephan Hartmann, Carl Hoefer, and Luc Bovens, pp. 1–13. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 3. London: Routledge.
Hoefer, Carl. 2008b. “For Fundamentalism.” in Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science, edited by Stephan Hartmann, Carl Hoefer, and Luc Bovens, pp. 307–321. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 3. London: Routledge.
Hoefer, Carl. 2008c. “Causal Determinism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hoefer, Carl. 2009. “Causation in Spacetime Theories.” in The Oxford Handbook of Causation, edited by Helen Beebee, Christopher R. Hitchcock, and Peter Menzies, pp. 687–706. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199279739.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2010. “Causal Determinism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hoefer, Carl. 2011a. “Time and Chance Propensities.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, edited by Craig Callender, pp. 68–90. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199298204.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2011b. “Physics and the Humean Approach to Probability.” in Probabilities in Physics, edited by Claus Beisbart and Stephan Hartmann, pp. 321–338. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199577439.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2012. “Calibration: Being in Tune with Frequencies.” Dialectica 66(3): 435–452.
Hoefer, Carl. 2014. “Consistency and Admissibility: Reply to Meacham (2014).” in Chance and Temporal Asymmetry, edited by Alastair Wilson, pp. 68–80. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199673421.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2016. “Causal Determinism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hoefer, Carl. 2019. Chance in the World. A Humean Guide to Objective Chance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190907419.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2020. “Scientific Realism without the Quantum.” in Scientific Realism and the Quantum, edited by Steven French and Juha Saatsi, pp. 19–34. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198814979.001.0001.
Hoefer, Carl. 2023. “Causal Determinism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hoefer, Carl and Cartwright, Nancy. 1993. “Substantivalism and the Hole Argument.” in Philosophical Problems of the Internal and External Worlds. Essays on the Philosophy of Adolf Grünbaum, edited by John S. Earman, Allen I. Janis, Gerald J. Massey, and Nicholas Rescher, pp. 23–44. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Hoefer, Carl and Rosenberg, Alexander. 1994. “Empirical Equivalence, Underdetermination and Systems of the World.” Philosophy of Science 61: 592–607.
Huggett, Nick and Hoefer, Carl. 2006. “Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Huggett, Nick and Hoefer, Carl. 2015. “Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Huggett, Nick, Hoefer, Carl and Read, James. 2021a. “Absolute and Relational Space and Motion: Classical Theories.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Huggett, Nick, Hoefer, Carl and Read, James. 2021b. “Absolute and Relational Space and Motion: Post-Newtonian Theories.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Further References
Lewis, David. 1994. “Humean Supervenience Debugged.” Mind 103(412): 473–490. Reprinted in Lewis (1999, 224–247), doi:10.1093/mind/103.412.473.
Lewis, David. 1999. Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625343.
Meacham, Christopher J. G. 2014. “Autonomous Chances and the Conflicts Problem.” in Chance and Temporal Asymmetry, edited by Alastair Wilson, pp. 45–67. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199673421.001.0001.