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William A. Howard (howard-wa)

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    Howard, William A. 1970. Assignment of Ordinals to Terms for Primitive Recursive Functionals of Finite Type.” in Intuitionism and Proof Theory. Proceedings of the Summer Conference at Buffalo N.Y. 1968, edited by Akiko Kino, John Myhill, and Richard E. Vesley, pp. 443–458. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 60. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Howard, William A. 1980. The Formulae-as-Types Notion of Construction.” in To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus, and Formalism, edited by Jonathan P. Seldin and J. Roger Hindley, pp. 479–490. New York: Academic Press.
    Howard, William A. and Kreisel, Georg. 1966. Transfinite Induction and Bar Induction of Types Zero and One, and the Role of Continuity in Intuitionistic Analysis.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 31: 325–358.