Christopher Hughes (hughes-c)
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Hughes, Christopher. 1986. “Is a Thing Just the Sum of Its Parts?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 86: 213–233.
Hughes, Christopher. 1989. On a Complex Theory of a Simple God: An Investigation in Aquinas’ Philosophical Theology. Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Hughes, Christopher. 1992. “Miracles, Laws of Nature, and Causation.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 66: 179–205.
Hughes, Christopher. 1994. “The Essentiality of Origin and the Individuation of Events.” The Philosophical Quarterly 44(174): 26–44.
Hughes, Christopher. 1996. “Matter and Individuation in Aquinas.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 13(1): 1–16.
Hughes, Christopher. 1997a. “Same-Kind Coincidence and the Ship of Theseus.” Mind 106.
Hughes, Christopher. 1997b. “Aquinas on Continuity and Identity.” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 6(1): 93–108.
Hughes, Christopher. 1998a. “Medieval Philosophy.” in Philosophy 2: Further through the Subject, edited by Anthony C. Grayling, pp. 517–573. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hughes, Christopher. 1998b. “Matter and Actuality in Aquinas.” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 52. Reprinted in Davies (2002, 61–76).
Hughes, Christopher. 1999. “Bundle Theory from A to B.” Mind 108.
Hughes, Christopher. 2001. “Identity and Counterparthood.” in Méréologie et modalités. Aspects vritiques et développements, edited by Frédéric Nef, Christopher Hughes, Pierdaniele Giaretta, Andrea Bottani, Nadine Gessler, Fabrice Correia, Peter M. Simons, and Achille C. Varzi. Travaux du Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques n. 14. Neuchâtel: Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques. Travaux de Logique.
Hughes, Christopher. 2002a. “Starting Over.” in Individuals, Essence and Identity. Themes in Analytic Metaphysics, edited by Andrea Bottani, Pierdaniele Giaretta, and Massimiliano Carrara, pp. 451–476. Topoi Library n. 4. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1866-0.
Hughes, Christopher. 2002b. “Aquinas on God’s Knowledge of Future Contingents.” in Mind, Metaphysics, and Value in Thomistic and Analytical Traditions, edited by John Haldane, pp. 143–159. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Hughes, Christopher. 2004. Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hughes, Christopher. 2005. “More Fuss About Formalism: Sider (and me) on Three- and Four-Dimensionalism.” Dialectica 59(4): 463–480.
Hughes, Christopher. 2008. “No Way Out?” in Reason, Faith and History: Essays in Honour of Paul Helm, edited by M. W. F. Stone, pp. 47–68. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Hughes, Christopher. 2009. “Defending the Consistency of the Doctrine of the Trinity.” in Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity, edited by Thomas McCall and Michael C. Rea, pp. 293–313. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hughes, Christopher. 2011. “Conspecific Coincidence and Mutual Incorporation.” in Philosophical Perspectives 25: Metaphysics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 241–252. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Hughes, Christopher. 2012. “Openness, Privilege, and Omniscience.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4(1): 35–64.
Hughes, Christopher. 2013. “Contingency, Dependence, and the Ontology of the Many.” in The Puzzle of Existence. Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?, edited by Tyron Craig Goldschmidt, pp. 95–109. Routledge Studies in Metaphysics n. 6. London: Routledge.
Hughes, Christopher. 2015a. Aquinas on Being, Goodness, and God. London: Routledge.
Hughes, Christopher. 2015b. “Denying Privilege.” Analytic Philosophy 56(3): 210–228.
Hughes, Christopher. 2016. “San Tommaso sulla natura e sulle implicazioni della semplicità divina.” Giornale di Metafisica 38(1).
Hughes, Christopher. 2018. “Aquinas on the Nature and Implications of Divine Simplicity.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10(2): 1–22.
Nef, Frédéric, Hughes, Christopher, Giaretta, Pierdaniele, Bottani, Andrea, Gessler, Nadine, Correia, Fabrice, Simons, Peter M. and Varzi, Achille C., eds. 2001. Méréologie et modalités. Aspects vritiques et développements. Travaux du Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques n. 14. Neuchâtel: Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques. Travaux de Logique.
Further References
Davies, Brian, ed. 2002. Thomas Aquinas. Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.