Achille C. Varzi (varzi)
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Borghini, Andrea and Varzi, Achille C. 2006. “Event Location and Vagueness.” Philosophical Studies 128(2): 313–336.
Carrara, Massimiliano and Varzi, Achille C. 2001. “Ontological Commitment and Reconstructivism.” Erkenntnis 55(1): 33–50.
Casati, Roberto, Smith, Barry and Varzi, Achille C. 1998. “Ontological Tools for Geographic Representation.” in Formal Ontology in Information Science. Proceedings of FOIS’98, Trento, Italy, pp. 77–85. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 1994. Holes and Other Superficialities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 1996a. “The Structure of Spatial Localization.” Philosophical Studies 82(2): 205–239.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 1996b. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 1997. “Spatial Entities.” in Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, edited by Oliviero Stock, pp. 73–96. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 1999. Parts and Places: The Structures of Spatial Representation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2000a. “Topological Essentialism.” Philosophical Studies 100(3): 217–236.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2000b. “True and False: An Exchange.” in Circularity, Definition, and Truth, edited by André Chapuis and Anil Gupta, pp. 365–370. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2001. “That Useless Time Machine.” Philosophy 76(298): 581–583.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2002. “Events.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2003. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2004a. Semplicità insormontabili. 39 storie filosofiche. Bari: Editori Laterza.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2004b. “Counting the Holes.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82(1): 23–27. Reprinted in Jackson and Priest (2004, 24–28).
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2005. 39 petites histoires philosophiques d’une redoutable simplicité. Bibliothèque Albin Michel des idées. Paris: Albin Michel. Traduction de Casati and Varzi (2004a) par Roberto Casati.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2006. Insurmountable Simplicites. 39 Philosophical Conundrums. New York: Columbia University Press. Translation of Casati and Varzi (2004a) by Achille Varzi.
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2009. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2014a. “Events.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2014b. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2019. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2020. “Events.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2023a. “Events.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C. 2023b. “Holes.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Cohn, Anthony G. and Varzi, Achille C. 2003. “Mereotopological Connection.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 32(4): 357–390.
Collins, John David and Varzi, Achille C. 2000. “Unsharpable Vagueness.” Philosophical Topics 28(1): 1–10.
Cotnoir, Aaron J. and Varzi, Achille C. 2021. Mereology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198749004.001.0001.
Gruszczyński, Rafał and Varzi, Achille C. 2015. “Mereology Then and Now.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 24(4): 336–355.
Higginbotham, James, Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C., eds. 2000. Speaking of Events. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kitcher, Philip and Varzi, Achille C. 2000. “Some Pictures are Worth \(2^{\aleph_0}\) Sentences.” Philosophy 75(3): 377–381.
Nef, Frédéric, Hughes, Christopher, Giaretta, Pierdaniele, Bottani, Andrea, Gessler, Nadine, Correia, Fabrice, Simons, Peter M. and Varzi, Achille C., eds. 2001. Méréologie et modalités. Aspects vritiques et développements. Travaux du Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques n. 14. Neuchâtel: Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques. Travaux de Logique.
Nolt, John E., Rohatyn, Dennis A. and Varzi, Achille C. 1998. Theory and Problems in Logic. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Orilia, Francesco and Varzi, Achille C. 1998. “A Note on Analysis and Circular Definitions.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 54: 107–133.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 1994a. “The Mereo-Topology of Event Structures.” in ILLC. Proceedings of the Ninth Amsterdam Colloquium, edited by Paul J. E. Dekker and Martin B. J. Stokhof, pp. 527–546. University of Amsterdam, Holland, Institute for Logic, Language; Computation: ILLC Publications.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 1994b. “Mereotopological Construction of Time from Events.” in ECAI-94. Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Anthony G. Cohn, pp. 396–400. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 1995. “Refining Temporal Reference in Event Structures.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 1996. “Events, Topology, and Temporal Relations.” The Monist 79(1): 89–116.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 1999. “The Context-Dependency of Temporal Reference in Event Semantics.” in CONTEXT’99. Modeling and Using Contexts: Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Paolo Bouquet, Luigi Serfini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, and Francesca Castellani, pp. 507–510. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer.
Pianesi, Fabio and Varzi, Achille C. 2000. “Events and Event Talk: an Introduction.” in Speaking of Events, edited by James Higginbotham, Fabio Pianesi, and Achille C. Varzi, pp. 3–48. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Smith, Barry and Varzi, Achille C. 1997. “The Formal Ontology of Boundaries.” The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5.
Smith, Barry and Varzi, Achille C. 1999a. “The Formal Structure of Ecological Contexts.” in CONTEXT’99. Modeling and Using Contexts: Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Paolo Bouquet, Luigi Serfini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, and Francesca Castellani, pp. 339–351. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer.
Smith, Barry and Varzi, Achille C. 2000. “Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60(2): 231–247.
Varzi, Achille C. 1983. “Free Semantics. Supervaluations at the Predicate Level.” in Proceedings of the 7th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Paul Weingartner and Johannes Czermak, pp. 35–38. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 9. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Varzi, Achille C. 1991. “Truth, Falsehood and Beyond.” in Topics in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, edited by Liliana Albertazzi and Roberto Poli, pp. 39–49. Bolzano: Instituto Mitteleuropeo di Cultura.
Varzi, Achille C. 1993. “Do we need Functional Abstraction?” in Proceedings of the 15th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics (part 1), edited by Johannes Czermak, pp. 407–415. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 20/1. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Varzi, Achille C. 1994. “On the Boundary between Mereology and Topology.” in Proceedings of the 16th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences, edited by Roberto Casati, Barry Smith, and Graham White, pp. 419–438. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 21. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Varzi, Achille C. 1995a. “Variable-Binders as Functors.” in The Heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, edited by Vito F. Sinisi and Jan Woleński, pp. 303–319. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 40. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Varzi, Achille C. 1995b. “Vagueness, Indiscernibility, and Pragmatics: Comments on Burns (1995).” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 33(suppl.): 49–62.
Varzi, Achille C. 1995c. “Super-Duper Supervaluationism.” in Logica ’94: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium, edited by Timothy Childers and Ondrej Majer, pp. 17–40. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
Varzi, Achille C. 1996a. “Parts, Wholes, and Part-Whole Relations: The Prospects of Mereotopology.” Data & Knowledge Engineering 20: 259–286.
Varzi, Achille C. 1996b. “Reasoning about Space: The Hole Story.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 4: 3–39.
Varzi, Achille C. 1997b. “Inconsistency without Contradiction.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38(4): 621–639.
Varzi, Achille C. 1999a. An Essay in Universal Semantics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Varzi, Achille C., ed. 1999b. The Nature of Logic. European Review of Philosophy n. 4. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Varzi, Achille C. 1999c. “Introduction.” in The Nature of Logic, edited by Achille C. Varzi. European Review of Philosophy n. 4. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Varzi, Achille C. 2000a. “Mereological Commitments.” Dialectica 54(4): 283–305.
Varzi, Achille C. 2000b. “Supervaluationism and Paraconsistency.” in Frontiers in Paraconsistent Logics, edited by Diderik Batens, Chris David Mortensen, Graham Priest, and Jean Paul van Bendegem, pp. 279–297. Studies in Logic and Computation n. 8. Baldock: Research Studies Press.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001a. Parole, oggetti, eventi e altri argomenti di metafisica. Roma: Carocci editore S.p.a.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001b. “Parts, Counterparts, and Modal Occurrents.” in Méréologie et modalités. Aspects vritiques et développements, edited by Frédéric Nef, Christopher Hughes, Pierdaniele Giaretta, Andrea Bottani, Nadine Gessler, Fabrice Correia, Peter M. Simons, and Achille C. Varzi, pp. 151–171. Travaux du Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques n. 14. Neuchâtel: Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques. Travaux de Logique.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001c. “Vagueness in Geography.” Philosophy & Geography 4(1): 49–65.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001d. “Vagueness, Logic, and Ontology.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 40: 135–154.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001e. “The Best Question.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 30(3): 251–265.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001f. “Review of Gallois (1998).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79(2): 291–295.
Varzi, Achille C. 2001g. “Review of Thomasson (1999).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63(3): 723–727.
Varzi, Achille C. 2002a. “Words and Objects.” in Individuals, Essence and Identity. Themes in Analytic Metaphysics, edited by Andrea Bottani, Pierdaniele Giaretta, and Massimiliano Carrara, pp. 49–75. Topoi Library n. 4. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1866-0.
Varzi, Achille C. 2002b. “On Logical Relativity.” in Philosophical Issues 12: Realism and Relativism, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 197–219. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Varzi, Achille C. 2002c. “Events, Truth and Indeterminacy.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 40(2): 241–261.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003a. “Higher-Order Vagueness and the Vagueness of ‘Vague’ .” Mind 112(446): 295–298.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003b. “Perdurantism, Universalism, and Quantifiers.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81(2): 208–215.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003c. “Entia Successiva.” Rivista di Estetica 22(1): 139–158.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003d. “Cut-offs and their Neighbours.” in Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox, edited by J. C. Beall, pp. 24–38. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003e. “Naming the Stages.” Dialectica 57(4): 387–412, doi:10.1111/j.1746-8361.2003.tb00279.x.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003f. “Riferimento, predicazione, e cambiamento.” in Significato e Ontologia, edited by Claudia Bianchi and Andrea Bottani, pp. 221–249. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Varzi, Achille C. 2003g. “Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2004a. “Conjunction and Contradiction.” in The Law of Non-Contradiction: New Philosophical Essays, edited by Graham Priest, J. C. Beall, and Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 93–112. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199265176.001.0001.
Varzi, Achille C. 2004b. “Boundary.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2005a. “Change, Temporal Parts, and the Argument from Vagueness.” Dialectica 59(4): 485–498.
Varzi, Achille C. 2005b. “The Vagueness of ‘Vague’: Rejoinder to Hull (2005).” Mind 114(455): 695–702.
Varzi, Achille C. 2005c. “Foreword.” The Monist 88(3): 325–328.
Varzi, Achille C. 2006a. “The Universe Among Other Things.” Ratio 19(1).
Varzi, Achille C. 2006b. “Critical Notice of Heil (2003).” Philosophical Books 47(2): 148–154.
Varzi, Achille C. 2006c. “The Talk I was Supposed to Give.” in Modes of Existence. Papers in Ontology and Philosophical Logic, edited by Andrea Bottani and Richard Davies, pp. 131–152. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical Research n. 5. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. Papers from the conference “On what (perhaps) there is,” held May 2005 at the University of Bergamo.
Varzi, Achille C. 2007a. “Supervaluationism and Its Logics.” Mind 116(463): 633–676.
Varzi, Achille C. 2007b. “Promiscuous Endurantism and Diachronic Vagueness.” American Philosophical Quarterly 44(2): 181–189.
Varzi, Achille C. 2007c. “Le nature e l’identità degli oggetti materiali.” in Filosofia analitica. Temi e problemi, edited by Annalisa Coliva, pp. 17–56. Roma: Carocci editore S.p.a.
Varzi, Achille C. 2007d. “Boundary.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2008a. “The Extensionality of Parthood and Composition.” The Philosophical Quarterly 58(230): 108–133.
Varzi, Achille C. 2008b. “Boundary.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2009a. “Universalism Entails Extensionalism.” Analysis 69(4): 599–604.
Varzi, Achille C. 2009b. “Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2010. Il mondo messo a fuoco. Storie di allucinazioni e miopie filosofiche. Bari: Editori Laterza.
Varzi, Achille C. 2011a. “Because.” in Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, edited by Anne Reboul. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Reprinted in Reboul (2014, 1: 253–256),
Varzi, Achille C. 2011b. “On Doing Ontology without Metaphysics.” in Philosophical Perspectives 25: Metaphysics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 407–423. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Varzi, Achille C. 2011c. “Boundaries, Conventions, and Realism.” in Carving Nature at Its Joints. Natural Kinds in Metaphysics and Science, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Matthew H. Slater, pp. 129–154. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy n. 7. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262015936.001.0001.
Varzi, Achille C. 2012. “The Naming of Facts.” Analysis 72(2): 322–323.
Varzi, Achille C. 2013a. “Undetached Parts and Disconnected Wholes.” in Johanssonian Investigations. Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Christer Svennerlind, Jan Almäng, and Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson, pp. 696–708. EIDE – Foundations of Ontology n. 5. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Varzi, Achille C. 2013b. “Boundary.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2014a. “Logic, Ontological Neutrality, and the Law of Non-Contradiction.” in Contradictions. Logic, History, Actuality, edited by Elena Ficara, pp. 53–80. Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research n. 6. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Varzi, Achille C. 2014b. “Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2014c. “Counting and Countenancing.” in Composition as Identity, edited by Aaron J. Cotnoir and Donald L. M. Baxter, pp. 47–69. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199669615.001.0001.
Varzi, Achille C. 2014d. “Appendix: Formal Theories of Parthood.” in Mereology and the Sciences. Parts and Wholes in the Contemporary Scientific Context, edited by Claudio Calosi and Pierluigi Graziani, pp. 359–369. Synthese Library n. 371. Dordrecht: Springer.
Varzi, Achille C. 2014e. “Qu’est-ce qu’un trou dans l’emmental?” in Aristote chez les helvètes. Douze essais de métaphysique helvétique, edited by Olivier Massin and Anne Meylan, pp. 41–46. Paris: Les Éditions d’Ithaque.
Varzi, Achille C. 2014f. “Musil’s Imaginary Bridge.” The Monist 97(1): 30–46.
Varzi, Achille C. 2015. “Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2016a. “On Drawing Lines Across the Board.” in The Theory and Practice of Ontology, edited by Leo Zaibert, pp. 45–78. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Varzi, Achille C. 2016b. “Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. 2023. “Boundary.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Varzi, Achille C. n.d. “Indeterminate Identities and Semantic Indeterminacy.” Unpublished manuscript.
Varzi, Achille C. and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2006. “Crimes and Punishments.” Philosophia 34(4): 395–404.
Further References
Burns, Linda Claire. 1995. “Something to Do with Vagueness.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 33(suppl.): 23–47. Spindel Conference 1994: Vagueness, ed. Terry Horgan.
Gallois, André Norman. 1998. Occasions of Identity: The Metaphysics of Persistence, Change, and Sameness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199261833.001.0001.
Heil, John. 2003. From an Ontological Point of View. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199259747.001.0001.
Hull, Gerald. 2005. “Vagueness and ‘Vague’: A Reply to Varzi (2005b).” Mind 114(455): 689–693.
Jackson, Frank and Priest, Graham, eds. 2004. Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199274550.001.0001.
Morison, Benjamin. 2002. On Location. Aristotle’s Concept of Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199247919.001.0001.
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2011. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Reboul (2014),
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2014. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan. vol. 1. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).
Thomasson, Amie L. 1999. Fiction and Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.