Vincent Israel-Jost (israeljost)
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Soler, Léna, Zwart, Sjoerd D., Israel-Jost, Vincent and Lynch, Michael Patrick. 2014. “Introduction.” in Science After the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science, edited by Léna Soler, Sjoerd D. Zwart, Michael Patrick Lynch, and Vincent Israel-Jost, pp. 1–43. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 14. London: Routledge.
Soler, Léna, Zwart, Sjoerd D., Lynch, Michael Patrick and Israel-Jost, Vincent, eds. 2014. Science After the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 14. London: Routledge.