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Craig M. Joseph (joseph-cm)

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    Joseph, Craig M. 2009. Is Emotivism More Authentic Than Cognitivism? Some Reflections on Contemporary Research in Moral Psychology.” in Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity, edited by Mikko Salmela and Verena E. Mayer, pp. 155–178. Consciousness & Emotion n. 5. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
    Shweder, Richard A., Haidt, Jonathan, Horton, Randall and Joseph, Craig M. 2008. The Cultural Psychology of Emotions: Ancient and Renewed.” in Handbook of Emotions, edited by Michael Lewis, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, and Lisa Feldman Barrett, 3rd ed., pp. 409–427. New York: Guilford Press. First edition: Lewis and Haviland-Jones (1993).