Craig A. Knoblock (knoblock)
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Ambite, José Luis and Knoblock, Craig A. 2000. “Flexible and Scalable Cost-Based Query Planning in Mediators: A Transformational Approach.” Artificial Intelligence 118(1–2): 115–161.
Arens, Yigal, Chee, C. Y., Hsu, C. N. and Knoblock, Craig A. 1993. “Retrieving and Integrating Data from Multiple Information Sources.” International Journal on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 2(2): 45–88.
Chalupsky, Hans, Gil, Yolanda, Knoblock, Craig A., Lerman, Kristina, Oh, Jean, Pynadath, David V. and Tambe, Miland. 2002. “Electronic Elves: Agent Technology for Supporting Human Organizations.” The AI Magazine 23(2): 11–24.
Fensel, Dieter, Knoblock, Craig A., Kushmerick, Nicholas and Rousset, Marie-Christine. 2000. “Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration III’99.” The AI Magazine 21(1): 91–94.
Kambhampati, Subbarao, Knoblock, Craig A. and Yang, Quiang. 1995. “Planning as Refinement Search: A Unified Framework for Evaluating Design Tradeoffs in Partial-Order Planning.” Artificial Intelligence 76(1–2): 167–238.
Knoblock, Craig A. 1990a. “Learning Abstraction Hierarchies for Problem Solving.” in AAAI-90. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas G. Dietterich and William R. Swartout, pp. 923–928. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Knoblock, Craig A. 1990b. “A Theory of Abstraction for Hierarchical Planning.” in Change of Representation and Inductive Bias, edited by D. Paul Benjamin, pp. 81–104. The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Knoblock, Craig A. 1992. “An Analysis of ABSTRIPS.” RR-92-292. Los Angeles, California: Information Sciences Institute.
Knoblock, Craig A. 1994. “Automatically Generating Abstractions for Planning.” Artificial Intelligence 68(2): 243–302.
Knoblock, Craig A. 1995. “Planning, Executing, Sensing, and Replanning for Information Gathering.” in IJCAI-95. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Christopher S. Mellish and C. Raymond Perrault, pp. 1686–1693. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Knoblock, Craig A. 2008. “Generality and Infinitely Small Quantities in Leibniz’s Mathematics – The Case of his Arithmetical Quadrature of Conic Sections and Related Curves.” in Infinitesimal Differences. Controversies between Leibniz and his Contemporaries, edited by Ursula Goldenbaum and Douglas M. Jesseph, pp. 171–184. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Michalowski, Martin, Thakkar, Snehal and Knoblock, Craig A. 2005. “Automatically Utilizing Secondary Sources to Align Information across Sources.” The AI Magazine 26(1): 33–44.