Daniel Kolak (kolak)
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Kolak, Daniel. 1993a. “Finding our Selves: Identification, Identity, and Multiple Personality.” Philosophical Psychology 6: 363–386.
Kolak, Daniel. 1993b. “The Metaphysics and Metapsychology of Personal Identity: Why Thought Experiments Matter in Deciding Who We Are.” American Philosophical Quarterly 30: 39–50.
Kolak, Daniel. 1998. Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Co.
Kolak, Daniel. 2004. I am You: the Metaphysical Foundations for Global Ethics. Synthese Library n. 325. Dordrecht: Springer.
Kolak, Daniel, Hirstein, William, Mandik, Peter and Waskan, Jonathan. 2006. Cognitive Science. An Introduction to Mind and Brain. London: Routledge.
Kolak, Daniel and Martin, Raymond. 1987. “Personal Identity and Causality: Becoming Unglued.” American Philosophical Quarterly 24.
Kolak, Daniel and Martin, Raymond, eds. 1991. Self and Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.