Bruno Latour (latour)
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Revue de presse philosophique semaine du 14/08/2023, Press Review 2022, Drei Philosophen – zwei Bücher – ein Spiegeleye, Natur und Technik, Über den Widerspruch zwischen Natur und Kapital, Hellsichtiger Trost: Glauben, Wissen, Philosophieren, Gaïa n'est-elle qu'un thermostat?, Kritischer Posthumanismus und die „Humanities“ der Zukunft, Annemarie Mol, Ce que soigner veut dire. Repenser le libre choix du patient., Leiden und Tod: neue Bedingungen der klassischen existentiellen FragenContributions to
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Latour, Bruno. 1985. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Latour, Bruno. 1987. “The Enlightenment without the Critique: A Word on Michel.” in Contemporary French Philosophy, edited by A. Phillips Griffiths, pp. 83–98. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 21. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Latour, Bruno. 1990. “The Force and Reason of Experiment.” in Experimental Inquiries. Historical, Philosophical and Social Studies of Experimentation in Science, edited by H. E. Le Grand, pp. 49–80. Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 8. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Latour, Bruno. 1999a. Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Latour, Bruno. 1999b. “On the Partial Existence of Existing and Nonexisting Objects.” in Biographies of Scientific Objects, edited by Lorraine J. Daston, pp. 247–269. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Latour, Bruno. 2004. Politiques de la nature : comment faire entrer les sciences en démocratie. La Découverte poche ; Sciences humaines et sociales n. 166. Paris: La Découverte.
Latour, Bruno. 2005. La science en action : introduction à la sociologie des sciences. La Découverte poche ; Sciences humaines et sociales n. 202. Paris: La Découverte.
Latour, Bruno. 2011. “Reflections on Etienne Souriau’s Les différents modes d’existence.” in The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism, edited by Levi R. Bryant, Nick Srnicek, and Graham Harman, pp. 304–333. Melbourne: Re.Press. Translated by Stephen Muecke.