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Victor R. Lesser (lesser-vr)

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    Carver, Norman F., Lesser, Victor R. and McCue, Daniel L. 1988. Focusing in Plan Recognition.” in AAAI-88. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Tom M. Mitchell and Reid G. Smith, pp. 42–48. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Durfee, Edmund H., Lesser, Victor R. and Corkill, Daniel D. 1995. Trends in Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving.” Unpublished manuscript, University of Michigan.
    Erman, Lee, Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Lesser, Victor R. and Reddy, D. Raj. 1980. The Hearsay-II Speech-Understanding System: Integrating Knowledge to Resolve Uncertainty.” Computing Surveys 12(2): 213–253. Reprinted in Webber and Nilsson (1981, 349–389).
    Lesser, Victor R., Horling, Bryan, Klassner, Frank I., Raja, Anita, Wagner, Thomas A. and Zhang, Shelley XQ. 2000. BIG: An Agent for Resource-Bounded Information Gathering and Decision Making.” Artificial Intelligence 118(1–2): 197–244.
    Lesser, Victor R., Nawab, S. Hamid and Klassner, Frank I. 1995. IPUS: An Architecture for the Integrated Processing and Understanding of Signals.” Artificial Intelligence 77(1): 129–171.
    Nirenburg, Sergei, Lesser, Victor R. and Nyberg, Erik P. 1989. Controlling a Language Generation Planner.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan, pp. 1524–1530. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Sandholm, Tuomas W. and Lesser, Victor R. 1997. Coalitions Among Computationally Bounded Agents.” Artificial Intelligence 94(1–2): 99–137.
    Sandholm, Tuomas W. and Lesser, Victor R. 2002. Leveled-Commitment Contracting: A Backtracking Instrument for Multiagent Systems.” The AI Magazine 23(3): 89–100.

Further References

    Webber, Bonnie Lynn and Nilsson, Nils J., eds. 1981. Readings in Artificial Intelligence. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.