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Helmut Maassen (maassen-h)

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    Berve, Aljoscha and Maassen, Helmut, eds. 2016. A.N. Whitehead’s Thought through a New Prism. European Studies in Process Thought n. 3. Newcastle upon Tye: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Hampe, Michael and Maassen, Helmut, eds. 1991. Die Gifford Lectures und ihre Deutung. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag.
    Maassen, Helmut. 2010. Contingency and Whitehead’s Metaphysics of Experience.” in Beyond Metaphysics? Explorations in Alfred North Whitehead’s Late Thought, edited by Roland Faber, Brian G. Henning, and Clinton Combs, pp. 165–180. Amsterdam: Rodopi.