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Robert M. MacGregor (macgregor-rm)

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    MacGregor, Robert M. 1988. A Deductive Pattern Matcher.” in AAAI-88. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Tom M. Mitchell and Reid G. Smith, pp. 403–408. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    MacGregor, Robert M., ed. 1992a. AAAI-92. Working Notes, AAAI Fall Symposium on Issues in Description Logics: Users Meet Developers. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    MacGregor, Robert M. 1992b. What’s Needed to Make a Description Logic a Good KR Citizen.” in AAAI-92. Working Notes, AAAI Fall Symposium on Issues in Description Logics: Users Meet Developers, edited by Robert M. MacGregor, pp. 53–55. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    MacGregor, Robert M. 1994. A Description Classifier for the Predicate Calculus.” in AAAI-94. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Barbara Hayes-Roth and Richard E. Korf, pp. 213–222. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    MacGregor, Robert M. 1996. Implementations and Research: Discussions at the Boundary (Position Statement).” in KR’96: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Jon Doyle, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 656–658. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    MacGregor, Robert M. and Brill, David. 1992. Recognition Algorithms for the loom Classifier.” in AAAI-92. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Paul S. Rosenbloom and Peter Szolovits, pp. 774–761. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Yen, John, Juang, Hsiao-Lei and MacGregor, Robert M. 1991. Using Polymorphism to Improve Expert System Maintainability.” IEEE Expert 6(2): 48–55.
    Yen, John, Neches, Robert and MacGregor, Robert M. 1991. clasp: Integrating Term Subsumption Systems and Production Systems.” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 3(1): 25–32.