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Jim Mackenzie (mackenzie-j)

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    Mackenzie, Jim. 1984. Confirmation of a Conjecture of Peter of Spain Concerning Question-Begging Arguments.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 13(1): 35–45.
    Mackenzie, Jim. 1985. A Pragmatic Requirement for Classically Valid Arguments.” Logique et Analyse 28(109): 75–78.
    Mackenzie, Jim. 2004. The Ballad of Ugly Dave.” in Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David Lewis, edited by Frank Jackson and Graham Priest, pp. 138–139. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199274550.001.0001.
    Mackenzie, Jim and Priest, Graham. 1990. Paraconsistent Dialogues; Or, How to Start Talking to Cretans.” Logique et Analyse 33(131–132): 339–357.