Donald A. Martin (martin-d)
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Martin, Donald A. 1977. “Descriptive Set Theory: Projective Sets.” in Handbook of Mathematical Logic, edited by Jon K. Barwise, pp. 783–817. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 90. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Martin, Donald A. 1997. “Revision and its Rivals.” in Philosophical Issues 8: Truth, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 407–418. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Martin, Donald A. 1998. “Mathematical Evidence.” in Truth in Mathematics, edited by H. Garth Dales and Gianluigi Oliveri, pp. 214–231. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Martin, Donald A. 2005. “Gödel’s Conceptual Realism.” The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11: 207–224. Reprinted in Feferman, Parsons and Simpson (2010, 356–373).
Martin, Donald A. 2011. “Field’s Saving Truth from Paradox: Some Things it Doesn’t Do [on Field (2008)].” The Review of Symbolic Logic 4(3): 339–347.
Further References
Feferman, Solomon, Parsons, Charles and Simpson, Stephen G., eds. 2010. Kurt Gödel. Essays for his Centennial. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Field, Hartry. 2008. Saving Truth From Paradox. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199230747.001.0001.